Thermo Fisher Scientific UB NA Subject: Chemical Storage Conditions Instrukcja obsługi

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© 1999 PE Biosystems
User Bulletin: ABI 392/4 Nucleic Acid
Subject: Chemical Storage Conditions
User Bulletin - Number 90
Models ABI 38x, 39x
Chemical Storage Conditions
Proper storage of chemicals is an important aspect of laboratory management. This Safety Bulletin contains
important information that details the appropriate storage conditions for your PE/Applied Biosystems instrument.
Please follow the storage recommendations given for each reagent. Improper storage of chemicals used on
PE/ABI instruments can impair optimum instrument performance and can compromise reagent bottle integrity
when pressurized under normal instrument operation.
For example, all chemicals should be stored away from direct sunlight. Chemicals exposed to direct sunlight may
have shorter shelf lives and may detrimentally affect instrument performance and final product quality.
Direct sunlight should also be avoided during operation of your PE/Applied Biosystems instrument. Elevated
reagent temperature from direct sunlight will increase reagent vapor pressures, which can alter reagent flow, and in
extreme cases may result in the reagent bottle fracturing due to gas pressurization under normal operation
For your convenience, the proper chemical storage conditions for your instrument have been included in this
ABI 380A, 380B, 381, 390Z, 391, 392, 394 DNA Synthesizers
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User Bulletin: ABI 392/4 Nucleic Acid Synthesizers
Part Number [1] Reagent
Lifetime on Instrument
400785, 401269, 401175 Methylimidazole/Tetrahydrofuran 6 weeks
400607, 401270, 401174 Acetic Anhydride/Lutindine/THF 6 weeks
400236, 401272 Trichloroacetic Acid/Dichloromethane 6 weeks
400326, 400330, 400600,
401159, 401166 Phosphoramidite A 2 weeks w/ CPG
3 weeks w/ polystyrene
400328, 400332, 400603,
401160, 401167 Phosphoramidite C 2 weeks w/ CPG
3 weeks w/ polystyrene
400327, 400331, 400601,
401161, 401168 Phosphoramidite G 2 weeks w/ CPG
3 weeks w/ polystyrene
400329, 400333, 400602,
401162, 401169 Phosphoramidite T 2 weeks w/ CPG
3 weeks w/ polystyrene
401527 Phosphoramidite 6-FAM 1 day [3]
401395, 401396 Phosphoramidite Biotin 1 day [3]
401526 Phosphoramidite HEX 1 day [3]
401533 Phosphoramidite TET 1 day [3]
400808 AminoLink 2 2 weeks
400402 Deoxyinosine 2 weeks
400334 Phosphoramidite Mix 2 weeks w/ CPG
3 weeks w/ polystyrene
400606, 401173, 401271 Tetrazole/Acetonitrile 6 weeks
400060, 400262, 401445 Anhydrous Acenitrile 6 weeks
400753, 401176, 401277 lodine/H2O/Pyridine/THF 6 weeks
400142, 401462 Dichloromethane 6 weeks
401147, 401267, 401268 TETD/Acetonitrile 6 weeks
[1] Multiple catalog numbers indicate various sizes of the same chemical
[2] Store under Argon
[3] Coupling efficiency drops below 90% after 4 days. Use as soon after reconstituting as possible.
Information subject to change without notice.
Last updated May 1996
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User Bulletin: ABI 392/4 Nucleic Acid Synthesizers