Table of Contents
1. Overview
1.1 General Overview ...............................................................................2
1.2 Product Applications .........................................................................3
1.3 Package Includes .................................................................................3
1.4 System Requirements ........................................................................3
2. Utilities And Tools
2.1 Cam EZ Search ......................................................................................3
2.2 MT4009 Exterior Function Introduction .....................................4
2.3 TV Out Function Introduction ........................................................5
3. Getting Start
3.1 System Login .........................................................................................5
3.2 Liveview ..................................................................................................6
3.3 Take A Shot ............................................................................................7
4. Advanced Function With Liveview
4.1 Image Adjustment .............................................................................8
4.2 Avi Record Setup ................................................................................8
4.3 Zoom In Display ..................................................................................8
4.4 Motion Detection Setup ..................................................................9
5. Advanced Application
5.1 Image Setup ..........................................................................................9
5.2 Capture View ...................................................................................... 10
5.3 Event Trigger ...................................................................................... 11
5.4 Network Setup ................................................................................... 11
5.5 Server Setup ....................................................................................... 13
5.6 Administration Setup ...................................................................... 14
5.7 Update .................................................................................................. 15
Appendix A. Using a PPPOE Dial Up Connection and DDNS
with the MT4009 EZ IP WEBCAM (using a hub) .............................. 16
Appendix B. FAQ ....................................................................................... 22
1. Overview
1.1 General Overview
MT4009 is the most aff ordable and effi cient remote surveil-
lance / security program available. It is extremely simple
to install, and can be used without a computer. With its in-
ternal web server, users can conduct remote video surveil-
lance and security tasks from a web browser (such as IE or
Netscape), and quickly observe surveillance video feeds at
any time, anywhere from local network or Ethernet Inter-
net connection.
The MT4009 combines CPU, CMOS Sensor Control, Image
processor, GPU, JPEG, CODEC, Ethernet MAC function that
is capable of 350,000 pps.
In addition, the system supports PPPoE, DHCP, Static IP,
DDNS, SMTP, FTP, NTP, and other types of network protocol,
and includes high effi ciency SDRAM control and memory
access. Also, the internal TV Out decoder / encoder devices
allow display of common household television formats
(supports NTSC and PAL). The system also includes fast
Motion Detection and SD expansion slot. The MT4009 has
Night Vision IR LED’s allowing it to see in the dark or assist
in low light situations. A professional grade remote surveil-
lance and camera technology for many fun and security
The MT4009 is the most aff ordable quality network surveil-
lance and broadband camera system on the market, and it
is the most intelligent choice for business of all kinds.