1. General description.
1.1. Destination.
The AWT845, transformer is designed for the supply of equipment requiring the AC voltage: U1. The power of
devices connected to the terminals must not exceed the power of the transformer.
1.2. Electrical diagram.
1.3. Description of elements and power supply connectors
2. Installation.
The safety transformer must be installed by a qualified installer, holding the relevant certificates, required and
necessary in the particular country for connecting (interfering with) the 230 V systems and low-voltage installations.
The transformer should be installed indoors (controls cabinets, casings), where air humidity is
normal (RH=90% max. without condensation) and temperature in the range of -10°C to +40°C.
1. Connect the transformer wires to the device.
Remarks: Connect the required voltage U1 for the device. The power of connected devices must not exceed the
power of the transformer.
2. Connect the transformer to 230 V outlet. The transformer should be installed in a manner and location that the flow of
air around the transformer was free.
3. Optionally perform other connections that are required for the type of device / system.
Remarks: according to the requirements and recommendations of the producer.
4. Start the system (switch on ~230 V), adjust or configure: according to procedure of the producer’s system.
3. Parametry techniczne / Technical data.
Tab 1.
Prąd wyjściowy nominalny
Nominal output current
Temperatura pracy /
Klasa cieplna
Operating temperature /
Heat class
Wilgotność względna RH – max.
Relative humidity RH –max.
Wymiary szer x wys x głeb (S1,S2)
Dimensions W x H x D (S1,S2)
0,82 [kg, +/-10g]
0,90 [kg, +/-10g]
Transformator wyposażony jest w przewód o
długości 40 cm
Transformer is equipped with a 40 cm long cable
Primary circuit connector, 230 V supply connector
Secondary winding, output voltage U1