Mr. Heater F273702, F273701 Instrukcja obsługi

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Stock #:
Mr. Heater # (Camping World #) Description/Usage: Application(s):
Hose Assemblies
5ʹ Propane Hose/Regulator Assembly
12ʹ Propane Hose Assembly
(Swivel 1ʺ-20 Male Throwaway Cylinder
Thread x Excess Flow Soft Nose P.O.L
Connects appliances that are
designed for disposable cylinders
to a 20 lb. cylinder. Hand tighten
swivel on both ends.
• High Pressure Hose
• Excess Flow Soft Nose P.O.L.
• Connects portable appliances
to 20 lb. cylinders
F273701 (5ʹ) w/handwheel
F273702 (12ʹ) w/handwheel