2. Installation.
The transformer must be installed by a qualified installer, holding the relevant certificates, required and
necessary in the particular country for connecting (interfering with) the 230 V AC systems and low-voltage installations.
Because the transformer is designed for the continuous operation and is not equipped with ON/OFF switch, the
power supply line should have the appropriate overload protection. The user should be informed how to disconnect the
transformer unit from the mains (usually be means of the separate fuse in the fuse-box). The installation should conform
to the applicable standards and law.
The transformer should be installed indoors (controls cabinets, casings), where air humidity is normal
(RH=90% max. without condensation) and temperature in the range of -10°C to +40°C.
Caution! Prior to entering installation it is necessary to make sure if the voltage
in the 230 V/AC circuit is disconnected.
All service works inside the housing must be carried out with 230V/AC supply
voltage disconnected.
1. Mount the transformer on a flat surface, or using the holder AWO466 (20VA-40VA) or AWO467 50VA/80VA with
TS35 installation bus (DIN 46277 B1).
2. Supply conductors ~230V should be connected to 230V / AC L-N terminals of the transformers.
4. Connect the transformer to a device, using installed cables
Remarks: If necessary, make other connections required for the correct type of system / device.
5. If necessary, make other connections required for the correct type of system / device.
Remarks: consistent with requirements and recommendation of the producer.
6. Start the system (switch on ~230V), adjust or configure: according to procedure of the producer’s
3. Parametry techniczne / Technical data.
Tab 1.
230V/AC, 50Hz
Napięcie wyjściowe
Power supply voltage
Prąd wyjściowy nominalny
Nominal output current
Zabezpieczenie przeciwzwarciowe i
Short circuit and overload protection
Bezpiecznik / Fuse
Tab. 2
C (niepowracalne)
Non-ressetable fuse 130
Temperatura pracy /
Klasa cieplna
Operating temperature /
Heat class
Wilgotność względna RH – max.
Relative humidity RH –max.
Wymiary (szer x wys x głeb)
TRP 20/U1/U2÷ TRP 40/U1/U2
TRP 50/U1/U2/U3÷ TRP 80/U1/U2/U3
Dimensions (W x H x D )
TRP 20/U1/U2÷ TRP 40/U1/U2
TRP 50/U1/U2/U3÷ TRP 80/U1/U2/U3
72 x 115 x 70 [mm,+/-2]
100 x 137 x 70 [mm,+/-2]
Waga netto
TRP 20/U1/U2÷ TRP 40/U1/U2
TRP 50/U1/U2/U3÷ TRP 80/U1/U2/U3
Net Weight
TRP 20/U1/U2÷ TRP 40/U1/U2
TRP 50/U1/U2/U3÷ TRP 80/U1/U2/U3
0,67/1,12 [kg, +/-10g]
1,10/1,51 [kg, +/-10g]
Waga brutto
TRP 20/U1/U2÷ TRP 40/U1/U2
TRP 50/U1/U2/U3÷ TRP 80/U1/U2/U3
Gross Weight
TRP 20/U1/U2÷ TRP 40/U1/U2
TRP 50/U1/U2/U3÷ TRP 80/U1/U2/U3
0,72/1,17 [kg, +/-10g]
1,20/1,60[kg, +/-10g]