Mettler Toledo BC Serial Communication test Instrukcja obsługi

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Chapter 5 : Service and Repair
5-5 (01/14)
Serial Communication
Test with PC
A HyperTerminal serial (RS232) test can be conducted to see if serial communication
problems are occurring. This test can determine if the issue is with the scale connection
/ communication to the PC, or if the issue is within the shipping software program itself.
The HyperTerminal test will confirm
o If the scale is properly connected to the PC
o If the scale is able to communicate by serial RS232 to the PC
o If the scale is able to display the correct weight
PC Connectors
Power Supply required with RS232 connection
Run this test whenever it is unknown as to why the manifest or shipping software is not
showing a weight, or the proper weight, on the PC screen.
1. Connect Scale to the PC as shown below. Note the COM port on the PC that the
scale is connected to for step 5.
2. After scale powers up, enter GeoCal value if “Geo in” is displayed. See Quick Start
Guide for Geo Location Codes and how to enter the value.
3. Check the scale’s serial set up parameters per steps in chap 4. Home > SetUp >
Communications > Serial. Write down the values for Baud, ASCii, Parity, Stop Bits
and Protocol as you will need to enter the matching data in the HyperTerminal
4. Access the HyperTerminal program on your PC as shown below. HyperTerminal is
a standard Windows program in XP operating systems under Accessories >
Note: Test does not apply if
using USB communications.
Note: HyperTerminal is no
longer standard in Win 7 or
later versions of Windows. It
can still be obtained on line
or copied from an XP
computer. Similar Programs
such as PuTTY or MT
Albatross can be used.
METTLER TOLEDO BC Shipping Scale: Technical Manual
5-6 (01/14)
Communications, and can still be downloaded from the Internet for later versions of
Windows. An Internet search for HyperTerminal will show numerous suppliers.
5. Once HyperTerminal is opened, choose “File” then “New Connection”. Name the
connection “BC Scale” for future reference and click “OK”. Click on the drop down
bar for “Connect Using”. Select the communication port that the scale cable is
connected to on the PC. COM A would be equivalent to COM 1. Click “OK” when
6. Program the same set up parameters in HyperTerminal as per the Baud, ASCii Data
Bit, Parity, Stop settings in the scale. For the Flow Control setting, input “None”.
Scale does not use this parameter.
Chapter 5 : Service and Repair
5-7 (01/14)
ht Protocol Proto T
pe in
Mettler toledo Toledo W
FedEx Proto F W <CR>
UPS Proto U <CR>
Purolator Proto P W <CR>
DHL Proto D W <CR>
Click Apply after entering the data values. The data will be accepted. Click OK and
a blank HyperTerminal screen will appear.
7. Now that the scale set up matches the HyperTerminal set up, type in the
corresponding weight command per the Proto setting in the scale.
o Put some weight on the scale. Note display value (i.e. 1.58 lb).
o Go to the HyperTerminal screen and click the curser on the blank screen.
o Type the required entry
per chart to the right.
Capital letters “W”
must be used, a lower
case “w” will not work.
Note that the typed “W”
does not get displayed
unless Echo is checked
in the HyperTerminal settings.
o A weight value should now be displayed on the HyperTerminal screen that
matches the weight on the scale
display. If another message
appears, zero the scale first by
repeating this step with no
weight, then try again with a
If the same weight is displayed on the scale and HyperTerminal screen:
The scale is communicating correctly to the PC.
Consult Shipping Software provider for further assistance.
Note: It is important to
initially click the curser on
the blank screen.
Note: <CR> is carriage return
or Enter
Note: To see the character you
typed (IE:W), go to FILE –
ASCII SETUP box, and click
“Echo typed characters locally”.
For MT SIC Proto, also click
“Send line ends with line feeds”.