Novus NVR-6364-H8/R, NVR-6332-H8/FR Instrukcja obsługi

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NVR 6000 Series
RAID Configuration
NVR-6000 series - configuration manual - ver. 1.0
All rights reserved © AAT Holding S.A.
1. General information ......................................................................................................... 3
2. RAID types ........................................................................................................................ 3
2.1 RAID 0 ................................................................................................................... 3
2.2 RAID 1 ................................................................................................................... 4
2.3 RAID 5 ................................................................................................................... 4
2.4 RAID 6 ................................................................................................................... 5
2.5 RAID 10 ................................................................................................................. 5
2.5 “Hot Spare” Disk .................................................................................................. 5
3. RAID configuration. ........................................................................................................ 6
3.1 RAID - configuration ............................................................................................ 6
3.2 RAID - rebuild .................................................................................................... 12
3.3 RAID - array rebuild time ................................................................................. 12
3.4 RAID - NVR swap .............................................................................................. 12
NVR-6000 series - configuration manual - ver. 1.0
All rights reserved © AAT Holding S.A.
1. General information
RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks) - is a data storage virtualization technology that combines multiple
physical disk drive components into one or more logical units for the purposes of data redundancy, performance
improvement, or both.
Data is distributed across the drives in one of several ways, referred to as RAID levels, depending on the required
level of redundancy and performance. The different schemes, or data distribution layouts, are named by the word "RAID"
followed by a number, for example RAID 0 or RAID 1. Each scheme, or RAID level, provides a different balance among
the key goals: reliability, availability, performance, and capacity. RAID levels greater than RAID 0 provide protection
against unrecoverable sector read errors, as well as against failures of whole physical drives.
2. RAID types
2.1 RAID 0
RAID 0 consists of striping, but no mirroring or parity. Compared to a spanned volume, the capacity of a RAID 0
volume is the same; it is the sum of the capacities of the disks in the set. Because striping distributes the contents of each
file among all disks in the set, the failure of any disk causes all files, the entire RAID 0 volume, to be lost. A broken
spanned volume at least preserves the files on the unfailing disks. The benefit of RAID 0 is that the throughput of read and
write operations to any file is multiplied by the number of disks because, unlike spanned volumes, reads and writes are done
concurrently, and the cost is complete vulnerability to drive failures. Below You can see graphical representation of RAID
configuration. It can be created on minimum od 2 drives.
NVR-6000 series - configuration manual - ver. 1.0
All rights reserved © AAT Holding S.A.
2.2 RAID 1
RAID 1 consists of an exact copy (or mirror) of a set of data on two or more disks; a classic RAID 1 mirrored pair
contains two disks. This configuration offers no parity, striping, or spanning of disk space across multiple disks, since the
data is mirrored on all disks belonging to the array, and the array can only be as big as the smallest member disk. This
layout is useful when read performance or reliability is more important than write performance or the resulting data storage
capacity. The array will continue to operate so long as at least one member drive is operational. Any read request can be
serviced and handled by any drive in the array; thus, depending on the nature of I/O load, random read performance of a
RAID 1 array may equal up to the sum of each member's performance, while the write performance remains at the level of a
single disk. However, if disks with different speeds are used in a RAID 1 array, overall write performance is equal to the
speed of the slowest disk. It can be created on minimum od 2 drives.
2.3 RAID 5
RAID 5 consists of block-level striping with distributed parity among the drives. It requires that all drives but one be
present to operate. Upon failure of a single drive, subsequent reads can be calculated from the distributed parity such that no
data is lost. RAID 5 requires at least three disks. In comparison RAID 5's distributed parity evens out the stress of a
dedicated parity disk among all RAID members. Additionally, write performance is increased since all RAID members
participate in the serving of write requests. Although it won't be as efficient as a striping (RAID 0) setup, because parity
must still be written, this is no longer a bottleneck. Since parity calculation is performed on the full stripe, small changes to
the array experience write amplification: in the worst case when a single, logical sector is to be written, the original sector
and the according parity sector need to be read, the original data is removed from the parity, the new data calculated into the
parity and both the new data sector and the new parity sector are written.
NVR-6000 series - configuration manual - ver. 1.0
All rights reserved © AAT Holding S.A.
2.4 RAID 6
RAID 6 extends RAID 5 by adding another parity block; thus, it uses block-level striping with two parity blocks
distributed across all member disks. RAID 6 does not have a performance penalty for read operations, but it does have a
performance loss on write operations because of the overhead associated with parity calculations.. RAID 6 can read up to
the same speed as RAID 5 with the same number of physical drives.
2.5 RAID 10
It is possible to combine the advantages (and disadvantages) of RAID 0 and RAID 1 in one single system. This is a
nested or hybrid RAID configuration. It provides security by mirroring all data on secondary drives while using striping
across each set of drives to speed up data transfers.
2.6 „Hot Spare” Disk
A hot spare disk is a disk or group of disks used to automatically or manually, depending upon the hot spare policy,
replace a failing or failed disk in a RAID configuration.
NVR-6000 series - configuration manual - ver. 1.0
All rights reserved © AAT Holding S.A.
3 RAID configuration
The following subchapters present the steps required to create, manage and rebuild the array. As an example, a RAID
5-based array will be used with three disk and one additional "Hot Spare" disk.
3.1 Configuration
After connecting the disks with steps described in the manual attached to the recorder, connecting it to the power
supply and the network with cameras and switch it on, we see the following welcome screen:
On which we choose the "Wizard Setup" button which takes us to the login window (default root / pass).
NVR-6000 series - configuration manual - ver. 1.0
All rights reserved © AAT Holding S.A.
In the window below, we can set the network card operation mode, IP Addresses and additional network parameters.
After completing the configuration of interfaces and pressing the "Next" button, we see the camera search window:
Cameras connected to the recorder are automatically found, you can add them individually by pressing "+" next to
the selected camera or "Add All" button to add all the searched devices. The "Next" button confirms adding the cameras
and loads the next step in configuration .
NVR-6000 series - configuration manual - ver. 1.0
All rights reserved © AAT Holding S.A.
In this window we enable the "RAID" option after selecting it.
We see a message about the requirement to restart the device in order to activate the RAID functionality.
NVR-6000 series - configuration manual - ver. 1.0
All rights reserved © AAT Holding S.A.
After confirming with the "OK" button, the recorder restarts. After restart, we see the configurator again. Go through
with the "Next" button until you see the "Create an array" tab.
We choose the name for our matrix ("Array Name"), RAID Redundancy Type ("Array Type"), select on which
physical discs ("Physical Disk") we want to create a array, but remember about the minimum number of disks for a given
type of redundancy. Next, we choose how much and if we want our recorder to have a "Hot Spare" disk ("Global Hot
Spares"), we finally get information about the capacity of the matrix created by us ("Array Capacity"). After clicking the
"Next" button, we are asked to enter the login and password for the administrator (default: root / pass).
After confirming with the "OK" button, we get information that all data contained on the disks is erased and on the
cleaned disks a array is created with parameters that have been previously determined
Confirmation with the "OK" button creates an array.
NVR-6000 series - configuration manual - ver. 1.0
All rights reserved © AAT Holding S.A.
Then we get a summary of the creation of the array.
It is recommended to format the created matrix by pressing the "Format" button and after displaying the window
confirming the operation, click "OK"
NVR-6000 series - configuration manual - ver. 1.0
All rights reserved © AAT Holding S.A.
After successful completion of array creation, we get the option to choose the recording method.
The last step is a display of the code for p2p connections to the recorder.
NVR-6000 series - configuration manual - ver. 1.0
All rights reserved © AAT Holding S.A.
2.2 RAID rebuild
During the rebuild of the RAID array, the recorder can not be disconnected from the power supply. In addition, it is
recommended to disable (disconnect) the cameras from the recorder. It accelerates rebuilding.
When one of the disks gets damaged, we get the following information on which disk has been damaged.
After that we have two options for repair.
When we created a array with "Hot Spare" disks, we wait 15 minutes and the matrix automatically rebuild itself.
However, if we do not have "Hot Spare" disks, we have to turn off the recorder, replace the damaged disk and turn it on
again. The following manual is how the rebuilding of the RAID 5 arrays with the "Hot Spare" disk looks like.
The table below shows the numbering of disks in the NVR software and their equivalents on the NVR PCB.
NVR software NVRPCB
8 SATA10
NVR-6000 series - configuration manual - ver. 1.0
All rights reserved © AAT Holding S.A.
To check the state of the array, go to the main menu and select the "Disk Managment" tab. After clicking it, RAID
menu is displa
As you can see in the picture below, despite the disk damage, the matrix with redundancy at the RAID 5 level still
works correctly. So we can read and continue to record video from cameras.
After selecting the "Array" tab, we see that the array has the "Downgrade" status, that is, it waits for operator
intervention. In the presented case, after 15 minutes, the rebuild starts automaticly, because we have "Hot Spare" discs.
NVR-6000 series - configuration manual - ver. 1.0
All rights reserved © AAT Holding S.A.
The following is the appearance of the "Array" tab when rebuilding a RAID array.
After rebuild, we can turn off the recorder and replace the damaged disk.
3.3 RAID - array rebuild time
The reconstruction time of a RAID array depends to a large extent on whether during the reconstruction the recorder
records streams from cameras and from the size of array itself. As an example, we have a recorder with eight disks of 6TB
each, on which RAID 5 with a total capacity of 42TB was created. Reconstruction of the array with camera recording turned
to be about 23 days (about 4% / 1 day). After disconnecting the network connection, the reconstruction took about 2.5 days
(about 45% / 1 day). As you can see, the preferred method of reconstruction is disconnecting the recorder from the network
with cameras for the time of reconstruction of the RAID array.
3.4 RAID - NVR swap
When the NVR is damaged, it is possible to transfer disks with recordings.
To do this You need:
1. Turn off the damaged recorder and disconnect it from the power supply.
2. A new identical recorder is needed to be inicialized and have the RAID service active according to the instructions.
3. Switch off the new recorder and disconnect the power supply
4. Transfer the disks from the damaged NVR to the new one, keeping their order of HDD in which they are connected to the
5. Start a new recorder with connected disks from the damaged one. In this step, leave the recorder powered on and do not
make any modifications. The recorder can perform a restart to properly initialize the disks.
6. After the initialization, you will be able to see the recordings and have possobility to backup them.
NVR-6000 series - configuration manual - ver. 1.0
All rights reserved © AAT Holding S.A.
2019-01-04 V1.0 JB, MK
AAT Holding S.A., 431 Pulawska St., 02-801 Warsaw, Poland
tel.: +4822 546 07 00, fax: +4822 546 07 59
I n s t r uk cj a ob s łu gi
NVR 6000
Konfiguracja RAID
NVR-6000 - instrukcja konfiguracji – wer. 1.0
Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone © AAT Holding S.A.
1. Informacje ogólne ............................................................................................................. 3
2. RAID ................................................................................................................................. 3
2.1 RAID 0 ................................................................................................................... 3
2.2 RAID 1 ................................................................................................................... 4
2.3 RAID 5 ................................................................................................................... 4
2.4 RAID 6 ................................................................................................................... 5
2.5 RAID 10 ................................................................................................................. 5
3. RAID Konfiguracja. ......................................................................................................... 6
3.1 RAID - konfiguracja ............................................................................................. 6
3.2 RAID - odbudowa ............................................................................................... 12
3.2 RAID - szacowany czas odbudowy .................................................................... 14
3.2 RAID - odbudowa ............................................................................................... 14
NVR-6000 - instrukcja konfiguracji – wer. 1.0
Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone © AAT Holding S.A.
1. Informacje ogólne
RAID (nadmiarowa macierz niezależnych dysków) - to technologia wirtualizacji pamięci masowej, która łączy wiele
fizycznych komponentów napędu dyskowego w jedną lub więcej jednostek logicznych w celu zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa
danych, poprawy wydajności lub obu tych elementów.
Dane dystrybuowane na dyskach na jeden z kilku sposobów, określanych jako poziomy RAID, w zależności od
wymaganego poziomu nadmiarowości i wydajności. Różne schematy lub układy dystrybucji danych nazywane słowem
"RAID", a następnie numerem, na przykład RAID 0 lub RAID 1. Każdy schemat lub poziom RAID zapewnia inną
równowagę między głównymi cechami: niezawodnością, dostępnością, wydajnością i pojemnością. Poziomy RAID wyższe
niż RAID 0 zapewniają ochronę przed niekorygowalnymi błędami odczytu sektorów, a także przed awariami całych
fizycznych dysków.
2. Poziomy RAID
2.1 RAID 0
RAID 0 składa się z części podzielonych w tzw. „paski”, bez redundacji lub parzystości. Pojemność woluminu
RAID 0 jest taka sama jak suma pojemności dysków w zestawie. Ponieważ rozkładanie części rozprowadza zawartość
każdego pliku pomiędzy wszystkimi dyskami w zestawie, awaria jakiegokolwiek dysku powoduje utratę wszystkich plików,
całego woluminu RAID 0. Uszkodzony wolumin typu „Mirror” przynajmniej zachowuje pliki na dyskach. Zaletą macierzy
RAID 0 jest to, że przepustowość operacji odczytu i zapisu dla dowolnego pliku jest pomnożona przez liczbę dysków,
ponieważ w przeciwieństwie do innych typów RAID, odczyty i zapisy są wykonywane jednocześnie, a kosztem jest
całkowita podatność na awarie dysków. Poniżej można zobaczyć graficzną reprezentację konfiguracji RAID. Można go
utworzyć na minimum 2-ch dyskach .
NVR-6000 - instrukcja konfiguracji – wer. 1.0
Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone © AAT Holding S.A.
2.2 RAID 1
RAID 1 składa się z dokładnej kopii (lub kopii lustrzanej) zbioru danych na dwóch lub więcej dyskach; klasyczna
para lustrzana RAID 1 zawiera dwa dyski. Ta konfiguracja nie oferuje parzystości przestrzeni dyskowej na wielu dyskach,
ponieważ dane odzwierciedlane na wszystkich dyskach należących do macierzy, a macierz może być tylko tak duża, jak
najmniejszy dysk. Ten układ jest przydatny, gdy wydajność odczytu lub niezawodność jest ważniejsza niż wydajność zapisu
lub wynikająca z tego pojemność pamięci danych. Macierz będzie działała tak długo, jak będzie działać co najmniej jeden
dysk. Każde żądanie odczytu może być obsługiwane i obsługiwane przez każdy dysk, w związku z tym, bez zależności od
rodzaju obciążenia wydajność odczytu macierzy RAID 1 może być równa sumie wydajności każdego dysku wchodzącego
w skład macierzy, podczas gdy wydajność zapisu pozostaje na poziomie pojedynczego dysku. Jeśli jednak dyski o różnych
prędkościach są używane w macierzy RAID 1, ogólna wydajność zapisu wna się prędkości najwolniejszego dysku.
Można go utworzyć na minimum 2-ch dyskach.
2.3 RAID 5
RAID 5 składa się z podziału na poziomie bloku z rozproszoną parzystością między dyskami. Wymaga, aby
wszystkie napędy oprócz jednego były sprawne do działania. Po awarii jednego dysku, kolejne odczyty mogą być obliczane
z rozproszonych bloków parzystości tak, że żadne dane nie zostaną utracone. RAID 5 wymaga co najmniej trzech
identycznych dysków. Ponadto wydajność zapisu wzrasta, ponieważ wszystkie dyski w macierzy RAID uczestniczą w
obsłudze żądań zapisu, chociaż nie będzie to tak wydajne, jak w RAID 0, ponieważ parzystość musi bnadal zapisana.
Ponieważ obliczanie parzystości odbywa się na pełnym bloku, niewielkie zmiany w nim powodują potrzebę obliczenia
całego bloku parzystości