AGUZZO Streamline S75L533 Instrukcja instalacji

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304 Stainless Steel
Heated Towel Rail
Important safeguards
! Eliminate choking and suffocation hazards for young children by removing and safely
discarding all protective packaging and the protetive cover on the power plug
! This appliance operates at a temperature that is hot but not scalding on touch (up to
55°C). Rises in ambient temerature and the insulation effect of towels can cause the
operating temperature to rise. Young children and infirm persons should be supervised
near this appliance
! Do NOT use this towel rail to dry damp or wet clothing or articles that have been in
contact with oil, petroleum based products, or dry cleaning fluids.
! Use this appliance ONLY on the voltage specified on its electrical specification label
! Do NOT use this appliance other than for its intended use
! IPX5 rated to withstand water splashes and sprays. Do NOT immerse in liquid
! Do NOT allow the power supply cord to come into contact with any heated surfaces.
this instruction booklet
for future reference
Installation requirements
! Carefully read all instructions before installation and operation
! If you are hard-wiring or connecting to a switch/controller this appliance MUST be
installed by a qualified and licenced electrician in accordance with relevant wiring rules
(AS/NZS 3000:2000 in Australia and New Zealand)
! It MUST be installed so the bottom rail is at least 600mm from the floor.
! It MUST be installed at least 1.7m from combustible materials such as drapes and
! The appliance is supplied with an earthed 3-core supply cord and plug. This cord and
plug MUST be positioned so it is not subject to splashing water or ingress of msoiture.
! Install with a suitable switch or controller:
- Plug into a power point with a switch
- Hardwire to a wall switch
- Hardwire to a controller (such as a timer switch or thermostat switch)
! Do NOT install or operate with a damaged cord or plug.
! Do NOT cover the cord and ensure it is arranged so it does not pose a risk
! Do NOT install outdoors
Construction: 304 Stainless Steel – corrosion protection – no chrome
Electrical - Tested and certified to comply with AS/NZ: 60335 and c-tick requirements
IP55 Rated – water splash and spray proof
Power supply – 220-240 Vac, 50/60Hz
Key Specifications
Aguzzo Heated Towel Rail Models
R60L535 600mm W x 920mm H, Left wired
R60R535 600mm W x 920mm H, Right wired
R75L097 750mm W x 700mm H, Left wired
R75R098 750mm W x 700mm H, Right wired
R90L242 900mm W x 920mm H, Left wired
R90R242 900mm W x 920mm H, Right wired
RV538 200mm W x 1400mm H, Vertical twin rails
R75L097-B 750mm W x 700mm H, Left wired
R75R098-B 750mm W x 700mm H, Right wired
R90L242-B 900mm W x 920mm H, Left wired
R90R242-B 900mm W x 920mm H, Right wired
S60L532 600mm W x 920mm H, Left wired
S60R532 600mm W x 920mm H, Right wired
S75L093 750mm W x 700mm H, Left wired
S75R094 750mm W x 700mm H, Right wired
S90L091 900mm W x 920mm H, Left wired
S90R092 900mm W x 920mm H, Right wired
SV537 200mm W x 1400mm H, Vertical twin rails
S75L093-B 750mm W x 700mm H, Left wired
S75R094-B 750mm W x 700mm H, Right wired
S90L091-B 900mm W x 920mm H, Left wired
S90R092-B 900mm W x 920mm H, Right wired
SV537-B 200mm W x 1400mm H, Vertical twin rails
F60L536 600mm W x 920mm H, Left wired
F60R536 600mm W x 920mm H, Right wired
F75L095 750mm W x 700mm H, Left wired
F75R096 750mm W x 700mm H, Right wired
F90L243 900mm W x 920mm H, Left wired
F90R243 900mm W x 920mm H, Right wired
F60L536-B 600mm W x 920mm H, Left wired
F60R536-B 600mm W x 920mm H, Right wired
F75L095-B 750mm W x 700mm H, Left wired
F75R096-B 750mm W x 700mm H, Right wired
F90L243-B 900mm W x 920mm H, Left wired
F90R243-B 900mm W x 920mm H, Right wired
S75L533 750mm W x 700mm H, Left wired
S75L533 750mm W x 700mm H, Right wired
S90L534 900mm W x 920mm H, Left wired
S90R534 900mm W x 920mm H, Right wired
S75L533P 750mm W x 700mm H, Left wired
S75L533P 750mm W x 700mm H, Right wired
S90L534P 900mm W x 920mm H, Left wired
S90R534P 900mm W x 920mm H, Right wired
Based on the size of the
heated towel rail,
measure and mark hole
positions on your wall.
Drill holes into the wall
and securely fasten the
mounting plates with two
supplied wall plugs and
screws for each mounting
plate or other appropriate
fastners for your wall
STEP 1: Install Mounting Plates
STEP 3: Affix appliance to wall
Fasten appliance to
wall. Position mounting
plate covers and heated
towel rail brackets over
the installed mounting
plates. Fasten to the
mounts securely by
tightening the grub
screws on each bracket.
Unless you are installing
a hard-wire model, plug
the cord into a power
If you have a Hard Wire Streamline
model the power supply cord must
be connected by a licensed
electrician. The power cord is to be
fed through the centre of the wall
mounting plate into the wall cavity for
connection to a wall switch or
programmable timer/controller.
If hard wiring, an electrician must complete the power connection to a
wall switch or controller.
STEP 2: Hard Wire Connection
CARE Instructions
WARRANTY: 5 year protection
Your Aguzzo Heated Towel Rail is constructed from high grade 304 stainless steel and is
easy to keep clean. Do not attempt to clean when the product is on or the surface is hot.
Polished Stainless Steel finish
Simply clean with soapy water or approved stainless steel cleaners
Do not clean with solvents, alcohol, chemical or abrasive cleaners
Matte Black finish
Simply clean with soapy water
Avoid wax based cleansers as these will act to smooth out the matte finish
Do not clean with solvents, alcohol, chemical or abrasive cleaners
Note: Damage to the surface from improper care is not covered by the product warranty
Purchasing a quality product from AGUZZO (Vanguard Design Group Pty Ltd, A.C.N.104 411 314) (we, us, our
or Aguzzo) comes with this comprehensive 5 year warranty.
Please read this Aguzzo Warranty Policy (the Warranty or Warranty Policy) carefully to ensure that the
purchaser (you or the Purchaser) is fully aware of their rights and obligations when seeking to claim under a
warranty or receive a refund or replacement for products purchased (Products) from Aguzzo.
5 Year Product Warranty - Domestic Use
This warranty applies to a domestic residential installation. Under this Warranty for a period of 5 years from the
date of purchase if the Product is found upon inspection by an Aguzzo authorised representative to be
defective in construction, materials, composition or assembly the Product will be repaired or exchanged with
the same or an equivalent product at no charge to the Purchaser. Warranty does not cover any labour or
installation costs.
For installations other than for domestic residential purposes the warranty period is 12 months.
Warranty Conditions
The Warranty will apply only if the failure is due to a fault in the manufacture of the product, proof of purchase
and the date of purchase is provided, and the claimant is the original purchaser of the Product, the installation
and handling of the product is done with due care and in accordance with the instructions provided, the claimed
defect is reported by the Purchaser to Aguzzo within 10 business days of discovering the defect, and if hard-
wired, evidence provided that it was installed by a qualified and licensed electrician.
This Warranty is void if the product is not used for the purpose for which it is designed.
Warranty Limitations
Standard warranty limitations apply. The Warranty does not cover faults; damage or loss caused by normal
wear and tear, misuse, improper or abnormal use or application; failure to follow correct installation, normal
operating, or proper care instructions for the Product; inadequate maintenance; chemical, abrasive, or
electrical influences; installation in part or whole by a person who is not a qualified and licensed installer or in a
situation that is not fully compliant with Australian standards; repairs or tampering by unathorised technicians,
or any modification to the Product; nor any damage, such as due to an accident, poor storage, dampness,
liquid, fire, misuse, vandalism, or a corrosive environment.
To the maximium extent permitted by law Aguzzo excludes all liability for damage or injury to any person,
damage to any property, and any indirect, consequential or other loss or damage.
AGUZZO®"Beautiful Bathware
Phone: +61 (03) 88 444 899