If dispenser is a SensorSAFE unit:
3. Deactivate dispenser by depressing and releasing clean switch located on left side of unit under top front cover.
4. Clean lens using soft cloth and mild, non-abrasive cleaner.
5. Reactivate dispenser by depressing and releasing clean switch a second time (dispenser automatically reactivates
after two minutes).
Recommended semi-annual cleaning of dispenser hopper
Note: If icemaker and dispenser are cleaned and sanitized at the same time, icemaker should be cleaned and
sanitized rst.
1. Remove ice from dispenser.
2. Working inside storage area, remove center thumbscrew from dispense wheel, tilt wheel up toward back to clear
baffle and disengage wheel from motor shaft.
3. Remove front cover, chute cover and clear plastic chute.
4. Wipe lid, wheel, baffle and clear plastic chute with damp cloth wrung out in Solution A.
5. Rinse all above items with damp cloth rinsed and wrung out in clear water.
6. Wipe all bin surfaces (including the area under dispense wheel) with a damp cloth wrung out in Solution A .
7. Rinse all bin surfaces thoroughly with damp cloth rinsed and wrung out in clear water.
Note: Do not rinse by pouring water into the storage bin, damage to the dispense motor can result.
8. Wipe lid, wheel, baffle, clear plastic chute and all bin surfaces with damp cloth wrung out in Solution B to sanitize.
Do not rinse.
9. Reinstall dispense wheel and other components.
If dispenser is equipped with chilled water accessory:
1. Remove four screws securing splash panel.
2. Disconnect 3/4" drain line from bottom of chilled water canister.
3. Loosen (do not remove) screw securing front bracket of chilled water canister to bottom of dispenser hopper.
4. Rotate canister clockwise to release front bracket, then pull canister forward to disengage rear bracket.
5. Remove chilled water coil from canister and clean with cloth wrung out in Solution A.
6. Wipe inside of chilled water canister with cloth wrung out in Solution A.
7. Rinse all above items with damp cloth wrung out in clear water.
8. Sanitize all above items with damp cloth wrung out in Solution B. Do not rinse.
9. Reinstall chilled water coil into canister (rubber alignment grommet on coil tubing must be located outside chilled
water canister to hold coil securely against canister wall).
10. Reinstall chilled water assembly on dispenser and tighten screw securing front bracket.
11. Reconnect 3/4" drain line to chilled water canister.
12. Reinstall splash panel and top front cover.
13. Restore power and test operation.
Semi-annual cleaning of icemaker system
Units with icemakers require icemaker cleaning at least every 6 months, and more often if conditions dictate.
Cleaning the icemaker will result in better performance and extend icemaker life. Refer to Icemaker Operation
and Service Manual for speci c cleaning instructions.
To avoid possible damage to motor assembly, use a damp cloth only. Do not allow water to run
through center hole in bottom of bin area.