3-1. Intended use
Power chain saws
This power chain saw may be used only for sawing wood out
- Professional and mid-class:
- Hobbyklasse:
Unauthorised users:
3-2. General precautions
‑ To ensure correct operation the user has to read this
instruction manual (Fig. 2)
informed will endanger themselves as well as others due to
‑ It is recommended to lend the chain saw only to people
to become familiarized with the characteristics of engine
powered sawing or even attend a recognized course of
‑ Children and young persons aged under 18 years must
purpose of being trained as long as they are under the
‑ Operate the chain saw only if you are in good physical
drugs or medication (Fig. 3).
3-3. Protective equipment (Fig. 4 & 5)
‑ In order to avoid head, eye, hand or foot injuries
as well as to protect your hearing the following
protective equipment must be used during operation
of the chain saw:
clothing which could become entangled with bushes or
‑ It is necessary to wear a protective helmet whenever
protective helmet
‑ The face shield
operation of the chain saw always wear a goggle or a face
‑ Wear adequate noise protection equipment
‑ The safety jacket
coloured shoulder straps and is comfortable and easy to
‑ The protective brace and bib overall
‑ Protective gloves
prescribed equipment and must always be worn during
‑ During operation of the chain saw safety shoes or safety
equipped with a protective layer provide protection against
(Fig. 6)
‑ Change the place before starting the engine (at least 3 m
(Fig. 7)
3-5. Putting into operation
‑ Do not work on your own. Another person must
be nearby in case of emergencies (within shouting
(Fig. 8)
‑ Before starting work the chain saw must be checked
for perfect function and operating safety according to
the prescriptions.
‑ Put the chain saw only into operation if it is completely