Pressalit R8312112 instrukcja


Ten podręcznik jest również odpowiedni dla

R8212, R8222
R8232, R8242
R8312, R8322
R8332, R8342
SELECT TL1 & TL2 toilet lifter – Operation and maintenance manual en
SELECT TL1 & TL2 toiletløfter – Brugs- og vedligeholdelsesvejledning dk
SELECT TL1 & TL2 WC-Lifter – Gebrauchs- und Pegeanleitung de
SELECT TL1 & TL2 WC réglable en hauteur – Manuel d’utilisation et d’entretien fr
SELECT TL1 & TL2 hoog-laag-toiletsysteem – Gebruiks- en onderhoudshandleiding nl
SELECT TL1 & TL2 Upphängning till toalett – Bruks- och underhållsanvisning sv
SELECT TL1 & TL2 Oppheng til toalett – Bruks- og vedlikeholdsveiledning no
SELECT TL1 & TL2 Soporte de inodoro - Instrucciones de uso y mantenimiento es
– Instrukcja obsługi i konserwacji pl
SELECT TL1 & TL2 坐便器升降装置 — 操作和维护手册 中文
SELECT TL1 & TL2 
en The guarantee covers faults or defects in material or manufacture within a period of 5 years.
Products are subject to minor technical modi cations and design deviations. E. & O.E.
dk Garantien dækker i 5 år fra fakturadato for materiale- og fabrikationsfejl. Der tages forbe-
hold for trykfejl, tekniske ændringer og modelafvigelser.
de Die Garantie gilt für drei Jahre ab Rechnungsdatum für Material- und Herstellungsfehler.
Druckfehler, technische Änderungen und Modellabweichungen vorbehalten.
fr La garantie couvre les vices de fabrication et de matériaux pour une durée de 5 ans à partir
de la date de facturation. Sous réserve de modi cations techniques et d’erreurs d’impression.
nl De garantie is tot 5 jaar na factuurdatum geldig voor materiaal- en fabricagefouten. Onder
voorbehoud van drukfouten, technische wijzigingen en modelafwijkingen.
sv Garantin gäller i 5 år från fakturadatum för material- och fabrikationsfel. Med reservation
för tryckfel, tekniska ändringar och modellavvikelser.
no Garantien gjelder i 5 år fra fakturadato for material- og fabrikasjonsfeil. Med forbehold for
trykkfeil, tekniske endringer og modellforskjeller.
es La garantía cubre fallos de material o fabricación durante los tres años posteriores a partir
de la fecha de factura. Mantenemos reservas en caso de problemas de presión, modi caci-
ones técnicas y varia ciones de modelo.
pl Pięcoletnia gwarancja obejmuje usterki oraz wady produkcyjne i materiałowe. Produkty
mogą ulec nieznacznym zmianom technicznym i projektowym. Zastrzegamy sobie prawo
do błędów i pominięć.
中文 保修涵盖 5 年内出现的材料或制造故障或缺陷。产品的技术和设计可能稍微发生变
English ................................................................. 9
Dansk ................................................................. 22
Deutsch ............................................................... 35
Français ............................................................... 48
Nederlands ............................................................ 61
Svenska................................................................ 74
Norsk.................................................................. 87
Español. .............................................................. 100
Polski................................................................. 113
中文 ............................................................126
  139
R8212 R8222
R8232 R8242
R8312 R8322
R8332 R8342
R8212, R8222
R8312, R8322
R8232, R8242
R8332, R8342
R371370 R371470
R371385 R371485
R8212, R8222, R8232, R8242
R8312, R8322, R8332, R8342
R8212, R8222, R8232, R8242
R8312, R8322, R8332, R8342
Mounting instruction ..................................................9
Symbols used in this manual...........................................10
General safety ........................................................11
Product label.........................................................12
Intended use .........................................................14
Intended operator profile .........................................14
Operating environment...........................................14
Operating instructions ................................................15
Support arms (optional)...............................................16
To remove limescale..............................................17
Maintenance inspection .........................................18
Technical data........................................................20
Trouble-shooting .....................................................21
Disposal and recycling ................................................21
Original instructions
Mounting instruction
A mounting instruction is included with the product. It can also
be downloaded from
Symbols used in this manual
The following symbols are used in this manual as well as the associated
documentation supplied with the product.
WARNING indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not
avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
CAUTION indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided,
may result in minor or moderate injury. It may also be used to alert against
unsafe practices.
IMPORTANT indicates important information about handling and use of
the product.
NOTICE is used to address practices not related to personal safety.
Hand injury warning Head injury warning
Feet injury warning
Electricity or
potentially dangerous
Compatible products
• Please comply with these instructions to avoid the product becoming
damaged or destroyed.
• Do not perform repairs, disassembly, or assembly operations,
extensions, re-adjustments or modifications to this product. These
must be carried out by Pressalit or by persons authorized by Pressalit
• Never allow children to operate this product unless under supervision.
The product is not intended for play.
• Never use the product if it is defective or damaged. Do not use a
defective product before it has been repaired.
• Read and understand the manual completely before use. Keep the
manual close to the unit.
• Comply with this manual to avoid accidents involving serious personal
• Never use or handle this product in other ways than are specified in
this manual, as this can put your safety at risk and cause damage to the
• Make sure that everyone who is to install or use the product and its
systems has the necessary information and access to this manual.
• The information in this manual is based on correct fitting of the
product in accordance with our Assembly instruction.
• Pressalit cannot be held liable if the product is used in any way which
differs from that described in the guide.
• We reserve the right to amend this manual without prior notice.
General safety
xxx kg
xxx lbs
++xxx kg
xxx lbs
xxx kg
xxx lbs
Pressalit A/S, Pressalitvej 1 DK-8680 Ry
⑭ ⑮ ⑯ ⑰
⑧ ⑨ ⑩
Article number
Production date
Maximum user weight
Medical device
Consult manual for use
Max load
Mains voltage
Maximum power consumption
Product label
IP class
GS1-128 barcode
Name and address of manufacturer
Consult manual for use
Consult the manual for important cautionary information such as
warnings and precautions
Duty cycle
Type B applied part Part of the product in normal use necessarily
comes into physical contact with the patient to perform its function
The product complies with requirements of IEC 60601-1 to provide
protection against electric shock
Do not dispose as unsorted municipal waste. The product should
be collected separately and returned to the designated recycling
Product weight
Batch code
This product does not contain any of the hazardous substances
mentioned in the Council Directive 2011/65/EC on RoHS.
These products are CE-marked in accordance with relevant
requirements in:
- Regulation (EU) 2017/745 (5 April 2017) on medical devices.
- Council Directive 2006/42/EC (of 17 May 2006) on machinery.
- Council Directive 2011/65/EC (of 8 June 2011) on RoHS.
A declaration of conformity can be found at
Electric Current
Intended use
This product is intended for optimum ergonomics at a toilet, for both seated
and standing users with disabilities.
Intended operator profile
The product can be used by all - adults, children, young and old.
Operating environment
For indoor use in a wet environment, such as a bathroom or wash room. The
product is intended to be used at room temperature in private homes, nursing
homes and hospitals under normal working conditions.
Product label placement ①.
Any serious incident that has occurred in relation to the product should be
reported to the manufacturer and the health authorities.
The surface of the product may become hot and / or cold if exposed to
external sources of heat or cold (eg sunlight or frost).
Operating instructions
The toilet lifter can be adjusted 400 mm / 15¾" up and down.
Max user weight: 200 kg / 440 lbs
Max load: 235 kg / 518 lbs
The height adjustment is controlled by the wired remote control unit.
Press and hold the Up button to raise the unit, and press and hold the Down
button to lower the unit. When the button is released, the motion stops.
Take care to avoid injury to hands,
feets and head when in the vicinity of
moving mechanical parts.
Never place objects underneath the toilet.
Support arms (optional)
The toilet lifters model R8312, R8322,
R8332 and R8342 can be equipped
with support arms.
The support arms can be folded up
and down. Fold them up when not
in use.
The support arms can also be
adjusted 240 mm / 87/16 inches in
To adjust upwards, pull the support
arm upwards.
To adjust the support arm
downwards, pinch the locking
button and pull the support arm
a little bit upwards while holding
the button. Then move the support
arm downwards. Release the locking
button to secure the support arm in
Make sure that the locking button pin
is engaged in the notch.
• Do not use an autoclave or other type of steam cleaner.
• Avoid aggressive cleaning agents containing acids
• Never spray the product directly with a high pressure cleaner.
• Avoid use of abrasive, corrosive or chlorine-based cleaning or
disinfecting products.
The product is to be cleaned with hot water or a mild soapy cleaning agent.
A list of suitable cleaning agents tested by Pressalit can be found on
Always read the material safety data sheet (MSDS) and supplied
instructions of the cleaning, disinfecting or de-scaling agent and comply
with instructions for safe use, dilution, rinsing, drying, handling and
storage of the agent.
To remove limescale
To remove limescale marks on the aluminium parts, use 3 parts 30%
household vinegar to 7 parts water and afterwards wipe the parts with a cloth
wrung out in clean water.
In countries with relatively high levels of lime in the water supply, it may be
necessary to remove limescale deposits from the aluminium parts using a
de-scaling agent such as acetic acid. Test this first on a area that is not visible
when the product is in use.
Expected service life of the toilet lifter is 10 years, provided that maintenance
is carried out once a year as described below.
Maintenance inspection
Take the toilet to its highest position.
Disconnect mains
before removing
the cover.
Remove the lower cover plate
(can be clicked off).
Reach up under the front cover to
unplug the mains plug from the
control box inside the cabinet.
Ensure that the flexible outlet
hose can move freely when the
toilet is height adjusted.
The flexible outlet must be
symmetrical when stretched out.
Lubricate the inner square
tubes on all 4 sides as far as
can be reached.
Reconnect the mains plug.
Take the toilet to its lowest
position, and then run it to the
top position again to distribute
the lubricant.
Reattach the lower cover plate.
Max user weight 200 kg / 440 lbs
Max load 235 kg / 518 lbs
Product weight
R8212, R8222
R8232, R8242 54,7 kg/ 120,59 lbs
R8312, R8322
R8332, R8342 60,7 kg / 133,82 lbs
Technical data
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Pressalit R8312112 instrukcja

Ten podręcznik jest również odpowiedni dla