Pressalit R8425418000, R8425218000 instrukcja

  • Dzień dobry! Zapoznałem się z instrukcją obsługi stołu prysznicowego SCT 2000 i SCT 2100 marki PRESSALIT. Jestem gotów odpowiedzieć na wszelkie pytania dotyczące jego montażu, użytkowania i konserwacji. W dokumencie znajdziesz informacje o przeznaczeniu, bezpieczeństwie, czyszczeniu i konserwacji. Chętnie pomogę Ci w zrozumieniu funkcji i właściwości tego urządzenia.
  • Jak czyścić stół prysznicowy?
    Czy mogę zostawić osobę bez nadzoru na stole prysznicowym?
    Jak często należy przeprowadzać konserwację stołu?
    Czy produkt jest bezpieczny dla pacjentów?
Shower change table – Operation and maintenance manual en
Bruseleje – Brugs- og vedligeholdelsesvejledning dk
Duschliege – Gebrauchs- und Pegeanleitung de
Table de douche et de change – Manuel d’utilisation et d’entretien fr
Douchebrancards – Gebruiks- en onderhoudshandleiding nl
Duschbrits – Bruks- och underhållsanvisning sv
Dusjstellebord – Bruks- og vedlikeholdsveiledning no
Camilla de ducha - Instrucciones de uso y mantenimiento es
Stół prysznicowy – Instrukcja obsługi i konserwacji pl
洗澡床- 操作和维护手册 中文
 
SCT 2000/SCT 2100
en The guarantee covers faults or defects in material or manufacture within a period of 3 years.
Products are subject to minor technical modi cations and design deviations. E. & O.E.
dk Garantien dækker i 3 år fra fakturadato for materiale- og fabrikationsfejl. Der tages forbe-
hold for trykfejl, tekniske ændringer og modelafvigelser.
de Die Garantie gilt für drei Jahre ab Rechnungsdatum für Material- und Herstellungsfehler.
Druckfehler, technische Änderungen und Modellabweichungen vorbehalten.
fr La garantie couvre les vices de fabrication et de matériaux pour une durée de 3 ans à partir
de la date de facturation. Sous réserve de modi cations techniques et d’erreurs d’impression.
nl De garantie is tot 3 jaar na factuurdatum geldig voor materiaal- en fabricagefouten. Onder
voorbehoud van drukfouten, technische wijzigingen en modelafwijkingen.
sv Garantin gäller i 3 år från fakturadatum för material- och fabrikationsfel. Med reservation
för tryckfel, tekniska ändringar och modellavvikelser.
no Garantien gjelder i 3 år fra fakturadato for material- og fabrikasjonsfeil. Med forbehold for
trykkfeil, tekniske endringer og modellforskjeller.
es La garantía cubre fallos de material o fabricación durante los 3 años posteriores a partir de
la fecha de factura. Mantenemos reservas en caso de problemas de presión, modi caciones
técnicas y varia ciones de modelo.
pl Trzyletnia gwarancja obejmuje usterki oraz wady produkcyjne i materiałowe. Produkty
mogą ulec nieznacznym zmianom technicznym i projektowym. Zastrzegamy sobie prawo
do błędów i pominięć.
中文 保修涵盖 3 年内出现的材料或制造故障或缺陷。产品的技术和设计可能稍微发生变
English .................................................................5
Dansk .................................................................16
Deutsch ...............................................................27
Français ...............................................................38
Nederlands .............................................................49
Svenska ...............................................................60
Norsk .................................................................71
Język polski ............................................................93
中文 ............................................................104
العَرَبِيَّة ..............................................................115
REF R8425218
Pressalit A/S, Pressalitvej 1
DK-8680 Ry +45 8788 8777
xxx kg
xxx lbs
xxx kg
xxx lbs
Mounting instruction ........................................... 5
Operational signage ............................................ 5
General safety .................................................. 6
Symbols used in this manual..................................... 7
Specific safety .................................................. 7
Intended use ................................................... 8
Intended operator profile ................................... 8
Intended user profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Operating environment..................................... 8
Contraindications for use ................................... 8
Biocompatibility................................................ 8
Operating instructions .......................................... 9
Cleaning...................................................... 10
Zipping the cover onto the frame................................ 11
Maintenance.................................................. 12
Maintenance inspection ................................... 12
Product label.................................................. 13
Trouble-shooting .............................................. 14
Technical data................................................. 14
Disposal and recycling ......................................... 15
Original instructions
Mounting instruction
A mounting instruction is included with the product. It can also be
downloaded from
Operational signage
An operational signage can be downloaded from
General safety
• Please comply with these instructions to avoid the product becoming
damaged or destroyed.
• Do not perform repairs, disassembly, or assembly operations,
extensions, re-adjustments or modifications to this product. These
must be carried out by Pressalit or by persons authorized by Pressalit
• Never allow children to operate this product unless under supervision.
The product is not intended for play.
• Never use the product if it is defective or damaged. Do not use a
defective product before it has been repaired.
• Read and understand the manual completely before use. Keep the
manual close to the unit.
• Comply with this manual to avoid accidents involving serious personal
• Never use or handle this product in other ways than are specified in
this manual, as this can put your safety at risk and cause damage to the
• Make sure that everyone who is to install or use the product and its
systems has the necessary information and access to this manual.
• The information in this manual is based on correct fitting of the
product in accordance with our Assembly instruction.
• Pressalit cannot be held liable if the product is used in any way which
differs from that described in the guide.
• We reserve the right to amend this manual without prior notice.
Symbols used in this manual
The following symbols are used in this manual as well as the associated
documentation supplied with the product.
Specific safety
WARNING indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided,
could result in death or serious injury.
CAUTION indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided,
may result in minor or moderate injury. It may also be used to alert against
unsafe practices.
IMPORTANT indicates important information about handling and use of the
NOTICE is used to address practices not related to personal safety.
Hand injury warning
• Never leave a person lying on the shower table without supervision.
• Always be careful when moving a person to and from the shower table.
Intended use
This product is intended for showering a person who is unable to stand up or sit
down. The person is lying horizontally on the table.
Intended operator profile
The product is to be operated by personnel trained in health care and trained in
washing a person in their care.
Intended user profile
The product can be used by all - adults, children, young, old, whose weight does
not exceed the maximum load of 175 kg / 385 lbs.
Operating environment
For indoor use in a wet environment, such as a bathroom or wash room. The
product is intended to be used at room temperature, in private homes, nursing
homes and hospitals under normal working conditions.
Contraindications for use
It is not recommended that pregnant women use this product.
It is not recommended that patients with infusion or insulin pump, inflammatory
skin diseases or patients in feverish conditions use this product.
Patients with cardiac insufficiency, cardiovascular diseases, craniocere bral injury,
open wounds, feed or drain lines (e.g. catheter, drainage tube) may use this
product only after consulting with the attending physician.
The materials in contact with the skin of the patient or the operator during the
showering procedure have been tested for their content of harmful substances
according to ISO 10993 Biocompatibility, and are therefore considered suitable
for this purpose.
Any serious incident that has occurred in relation to the product should be
reported to the manufacturer and the health authorities.
To pull the safety rail up:
Release the lock 2 and pull the
safety rail 3 from the underside
of the table, and swing it
upwards. The safety rail will
automatically lock into position.
To fold the safety rail away: Release the lock 2 and swing the safety rail
down to the underside of the table. The safety rail will automatically lock into
Take care to avoid injury to
hands when in the vicinity of
closing mechanical parts.
Support the table using
your hand or body when
folding it down, to avoid
the risk of damage.
The built-in gas cylinders
make it easy to fold the
table up against the wall
after use.
Operating instructions
7 kg
15 lbs
Clean the shower table after each use. Use ordinary soapy water. Rinse off with
fresh water and dry with a soft cloth.
• Do not use an autoclave or other type of steam cleaner.
• Avoid aggressive cleaning agents containing acids or chloride.
• Never spray the nursing bench directly with a high pressure cleaner.
• Avoid use of aggressive, abrasive, corrosive or chloride-based cleaning
or disinfecting products.
The frame with the cover
can be removed for
cleaning. It can be zipped
off and washed in regular
washing machine at max
70o C.
Dry the water collection
Never let a person lie on the shower table without
the cover in place. The tray under the cover is
for water collection only. It is not to be used as a
bathtub. Risk of user injury and damage to product.
Zipping the cover onto the frame
When the cover has been removed for washing, it must be zipped back onto the
frame again.
Zip all zippers approximately 5 cm
(2 inches).
Continue to zip the four zippers
gradually in a clockwise or
counterclockwise direction.
This will ensure that the cover is
mounted correctly on the frame.
Expected service life of the shower table is 10 years, provided that maintenance is
carried out as described below:
It is recommended that maintenance inspection is done one a year.
Maintenance inspection
• Check the hinges on the
table and the safety rail .
Tighten if necessary.
• Check the cover for
damage and replace if
• Check the drain pipe
connections , and check
and clean the water trap (if
Production date
Article number
Medical device
Batch code
GS1-128 barcode
Name and address of manufacturer
Maximum user weight
Max load
Consult manual for use
This product is CE-marked in accordance with the European
Medical Device Regulation 2017/745. A declaration of conformity
can be found at www pressalit com.
Pressalit A/S, Pressalitvej 1
DK-8680 Ry +45 8788 8777
xxx kg
xxx lbs
xxx kg
xxx lbs
Product label
Symptom Cause Action
The shower table does
not stay in upright
One or more gas cylinders
are defective.
Contact Pressalit A/S or
your local dealer.
The water does not
run out of the water
collection tray.
Adjustment screws too
high or too low.
Adjust the adjustment
screws 1.
Technical data
Max load 175 kg / 385 lbs
Materials Powder laquered stainless steel
Plastics (PVC, Polystyrene)
Weight R8425218, R8425418: 14,32 kg / 31.57 lbs
Disposal and recycling
The unit contains reusable materials. There are no known hazards or risks
associated with disposal of the product. All components can be discarded after
having been cleaned and disinfected.
When disposing of the product, we recommend that it be disassembled and
broken down into different waste groups for recycling or combustion.
The following table provides information on the recycling and handling of the
components Material
Steel Steel can be recycled by being re-melted and included as
a secondary material in the production of new steel.
PVC and
Hard PVC is granulated and re-melted.
Use plastic sorting and recycling systems where they are
locally available, otherwise incinerating plastic has the
added benefit of generating energy, which can be used
for, for example, combined heat and power production.
Polyurethane Like other plastics, polyurethane can be recycled in
two primary ways: mechanical recycling, in which the
material is reused in its polymer form, and chemical
recycling that takes the material back to its various
chemical constituents.
Monteringsvejledning.......................................... 16
Visuel guide................................................... 16
Generel sikkerhed ............................................. 17
Symboler, der er anvendt i denne vejledning ..................... 18
Specifik sikkerhed ............................................. 18
Tilsigtet brug .................................................. 19
Tilsigtet personaleprofil ................................... 19
Tilsigtet brugerprofil ...................................... 19
Betjeningsmiljø ........................................... 19
Kontraindikationer for brug ................................ 19
Biokompatibilitet.............................................. 19
Betjeningsinstruktioner ........................................ 20
Rengøring .................................................... 21
Sådan lynes dækkenet på rammen .............................. 22
Vedligeholdelse................................................ 23
Vedligeholdelsesinspektion ................................ 23
Produktmærkning ............................................. 24
Fejlfinding .................................................... 25
Tekniske data ................................................. 25
Bortskaffelse og genbrug ....................................... 26
Der følger en monteringsvejledning med dette produkt. Den
kan også downloades fra
Visuel guide
En visuel guide kan downloades fra
Generel sikkerhed
• Følg disse instruktioner for at undgå, at produktet beskadiges eller
• Der må ikke foretages reparationer, demonteringer, samlinger,
udvidelser, tilpasninger eller ændringer på dette produkt. Dette må kun
udføres af Pressalit eller af personer, som er autoriseret af Pressalit.
• Lad ikke børn betjene dette produkt uden opsyn. Produktet er ikke
beregnet til leg.
• Produktet må ikke benyttes, hvis det er defekt eller beskadiget. Et defekt
produkt må ikke anvendes, før det er repareret.
• Læs og forstå hele vejledningen før brug. Opbevar vejledningen tæt på
• Følg denne vejledning for at undgå uheld og alvorlig personskade.
• Dette produkt må aldrig bruges eller håndteres på anden måde end
som angivet i denne vejledning, da dette vil kunne udgøre en risiko for
din sikkerhed og beskadige produktet.
• Sørg for, at alle, der installerer eller bruger dette produkt og dets
systemer, har de nødvendige oplysninger samt adgang til denne
• Oplysningerne i denne vejledning er baseret på korrekt justering
af produktet i overensstemmelse med vores monteringsvejledning.
• Pressalit kan ikke holdes ansvarlig, hvis produktet bruges på andre
måder end som beskrevet i vejledningen.
• Vi forbeholder os ret til at ændre denne vejledning uden forudgående
Symboler, der er anvendt i denne vejledning
Følgende symboler er anvendt i denne vejledning og i den tilhørende
dokumentation, der følger med produktet.
Specifik sikkerhed
ADVARSEL angiver en potentielt farlig situation, som, hvis den ikke
undgås, kan medføre dødsfald eller alvorlig personskade.
FORSIGTIG angiver en potentielt farlig situation, som, hvis den ikke
undgås, kan medføre større eller mindre personskade. Det kan også bruges
til at advare om usikre fremgangsmåder.
VIGTIGT angiver vigtige oplysninger om håndtering og anvendelse af
BEMÆRK vedrører fremgangsmåder, der ikke er forbundet med personlig
Advarsel om håndskade.
• En person må aldrig efterlades på bruselejet uden opsyn.
• Vær altid forsigtig, når en person flyttes til og fra bruselejet.
Tilsigtet brug
Dette produkt er beregnet til at bruse en person, som ikke kan stå op eller
sidde ned. Personen ligger vandret på lejet.
Tilsigtet personaleprofil
Produktet skal betjenes af personale, der er uddannet inden for
sundhedsplejen og trænet i at vaske en person.
Tilsigtet brugerprofil
Produktet kan anvendes af alle – voksne, børn, unge og gamle, hvis vægt ikke
overstiger den maksimale belastning på 175 kg.
Til indendørs brug i våde omgivelser, som f.eks. et badeværelse eller
vaskerum. Produktet er beregnet til anvendelse ved stuetemperatur, i private
hjem, på plejehjem og hospitaler under normale arbejdsforhold.
Kontraindikationer for brug
Det anbefales ikke at bruge dette produkt til gravide.
Det anbefales ikke at bruge dette produkt til patienter med infusions-
eller insulinpumpe, sygdomme med hudbetændelse eller patienter med
Patienter med hjerteinsufficiens, hjertekarsygdomme, kraniocerebral skade,
åbne sår, tilførsels- eller udtagsslanger (f.eks. kateter, drænageslange) kan evt.
bruge dette produkt, men kun efter rådføring med den behandlende læge.
De materialer, der kommer i kontakt med patientens eller brugerens hud
under bruseproceduren, er blevet testet for deres indhold af skadelige stoffer
i henhold til ISO 10993 om biokompatibilitet og anses derfor for at være
passende til dette formål.
Enhver alvorlig hændelse, der er opstået i forbindelse med produktet, skal
rapporteres til producenten og sundhedsmyndighederne.
Sådan slås sengehesten
op: Frigør låsen 2, og træk
sengehesten 3 fra undersiden
af lejet, og sving den opad.
Sengehesten låses automatisk
Sådan foldes sengehesten væk: Frigør låsen, 2 og sving sengehesten ned
til undersiden af lejet. Sengehesten låses automatisk fast.
Undgå skader på hænderne,
når disse er i nærheden af
lukkende mekaniske dele.
Understøt lejet med
hånden eller kroppen,
når det foldes ned, for at
undgå risikoen for skader.
De indbyggede
gascylindere gør det let at
folde lejet op mod væggen
efter brug.
7 kg
15 lbs