Crown Automotive Sales Co., Inc.
Multifunction Switch Wiring Harness Repair Kit
Connector Pinout
Replaces Part # 5183442AA
Kit Contents
- Connector (1)
- Connector Insert (1)
- Connector Lock (1)
- Heat Shrink Tubing (20)
- Orange Wire (20)
- Purple Wire (20)
- Splice Clip (20)
This Multifunction Switch Wiring Harness Repair Kit is designed to solve issues with the failure-prone Multifunction
Switch Connector. The problem with the Connectors vary from the plastic Connector body crumbling and chipping away
to a completely melted Connector. Some Connector failures result in damaged or switched pins. Below is the pinout for
the Multifunction Switch Connector.
Brake Light Switch Output
Fused Ignition Switch Output (Run-Acc)
Panel Lamps Dimmer Signal
Rear Fog Lamp Feed (EXPORT)
Pink w/ Light Green Tracer
Fused Fog Lamp Relay Output (EXCEPT EXPORT)
Dimmer Switch Low Beam Output
Dimmer Switch High Beam Output
Light Blue w/ Orange Tracer
Light Blue w/ Orange Tracer
While every attempt is made to ensure that the information contained in these instructions is correct, no liability can be accepted by the authors for loss, damage, or
injury caused by any errors in, or omissions from the information given. All service should be performed by qualified mechanics. Crown Automotive Sales Co .,Inc.
cannot be held responsible for any mechanical work performed. Standard and accepted safety precautions should be used in every procedure.