
C&H Technologies, Inc. • 445 Round Rock West Drive • Round Rock, TX 78681-5012
(512) 733-2621 • FAX (512) 733-2629 • www.chtech.com
Ordering Information
AM100 Buffer IP Accessory
Part Number 11027840-0001
AM100 Buffer IP Accessory:
The AM100 p rovi des du al out put si gn al b u fferi ng for other C&H
IP source modul e s. The mod u le attache s adja cen t to othe r
sp e ciall y desig ned C &H IP mod ules thr ou gh a 1 0-p in sid e
co n necto r . One or tw o ou tp u t sig na ls f or m th e sou r ce IP
mod ule ar e buff ere d to pr ov id e up to
300 ma dri ve cap a bilit y
th a t will no t oscilla te whi le dr iving l arg e c apacit ive lo ads. The
buf fe rs sle w a t 8 00V/ µs and h ave a smal l sign al b an dw idth of
50 Mh z while drivi ng a 5 0Ω loa d . T he y feat ure bu ilt- in cu rre nt
limi tin g and th erma l shu td o wn. O u tp ut impeda n ce is typic ally
3Ω .