Specication Submittal Data / Panasonic Ventilation Fan
Ventilating fan shall be low noise ceiling mount
type rated for continuous run. Fan shall be
certied by the Home Ventilating Institute (HVI).
Fan shall include energy efcient compact
uorescent lighting and night-light. Heating
element shall be included. Evaluated by
Underwriters Laboratories and conform to
both UL and cUL safety standards. Fan is not
intended for installation over a tub/ shower
• Four–pole totally enclosed condenser motor
rated for continuous run.
• Power rating shall be 120 volts and
60 Hz.
• Motor equipped with thermal–cutoff fuse.
• Permanently lubricated plug–in motor.
• Rust proof paint, galvanized steel body.
• 4" diameter duct adapter.
• Built-in backdraft damper.
• Attractive design using ABS material.
• Attaches directly to housing with torsion
• Two 13 Watt self-ballasted
GU24 base CFL lamps
• One 4-Watt night–light
• Tubular steel sheathed
heating element. Nichrome
wire with magnesium oxide
for optimal heat transfer
and electrical insulation at
elevated temperatures.
• 90 CFM super quiet, energy
efcient blower motor.
• Quick 1-minute warm-up.
• 3-Year limited warranty on all parts. Compact
Fluorescent Lamps (CFL): 1 Year. No warranty
on night-light.
Architectural Specications:
Ventilation fan, heater, light and night-light
combination shall be ceiling mount, with no less
than 110 CFM and no more than 0.7 sone as
certied by HVI at .1 static pressure in inches
water gauge (w.g.) with no less than 89 CFM
and no more than 1.0 sone at .25 w.g. Power
consumption shall be no greater than 30.6
Watts at .1 w.g. and 30.5 Watts at .25 w.g. With
efciency of no less than 3.6 CFM/Watt at .1
w.g. and 2.9 CFM/Watt at .25 w.g. The motor
shall be totally enclosed, 4 pole condenser type
engineered to run continuously. Power rating
shall be 120v/60Hz. Duct diameter shall be no
less than 4". Fan is not intended for installation
over a tub/shower enclosure. Fan shall be
ASHRAE 62.2, LEED, EarthCraft, California
Title-24, and WA Ventilation Code compliant.
Lamps utilize no less than two 13 Watt self-
ballasted GU24 base ESTAR rated
compact uorescent lamps. Night-light shall be
included. Heating element shall be Nichrome
wire in tubular steel sheath construction with
magnesium oxide for optimal heat transfer.
Heating element power consumption shall
be no less than 1400 watts. Heating feature
shall include a 90 CFM blower fan with energy
efcient condenser type motor with quick
1-minute warm-up.
For complete Installation Instructions visit us.panasonic.com/ventfans
Model Quantity Comments Project:
Submitted by:
WhisperWarm FV-11VHL2
Static Pressure in inches w.g. 0.1 0.25
Air Volume (CFM) 110 89
Noise (sones) 0.7 1.0
Power Consumption (watts) 30.6 30.5
Energy Efciency (CFM/Watt) 3.6 2.9
Speed (RPM) 812 956
Heating Element (Watts) 1400
Blower Fan (Watts) 25
Blower Fan (CFM) 90
* (2) 13W self-
ballasted GU24
base CFL
lamps included
Panasonic Eco Solutions North America
Eco Products Division
Two Riverfront Plaza
Newark, NJ 07102