Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone © AAT Holding S.A.
It is possible to add a face image from a USB disk after choosing the EXTERNAL FACES option.
Faces to the library can be added from a USB drive (as jpg files with resolutions from 64 * 64 to 1920 * 1080 and file sizes
up to 200 Kb) or from a database of already recognized faces.
Pressing the OK button adds the face to the selected group
The MODIFY button allows you to change the parameters of the face saved in the database.
The DELETE button allows you to delete a face after selecting it first.
The CLEAR ALL button removes all faces from the selected face group
The IMPORT / EXPORT button allows you to export or import a database with faces on a USB stick. The database can be
properly played only in recorders that have the same three characters separated by dots in the displayed firmware version.
When exporting files, you can use the file access encryption function.
NOTE: The correct transfer of the database is possible between the registrars whose software in the version name has three
identical characters separated by dots.
Pressing the PROCESSING MODE button displays a list of alarm actions that can be performed after face recognition
depending on to which group the assigned face will be qualified.
The following settings are available in the fields:
ENABLE ON. / OFF. - triggers an alarm when detecting faces from a group.
RECORD - starts recording the selected channel after detecting faces from the group
SNAPSHOT - saves a photo from the selected channel
PUSH - sends a push alarm when faces are detected
ALARM OUT - activation of the alarm output
BUZZER - activates the audio signal to detect faces from the group
POP-UP VIDEO - switch to full screen
E-MAIL - sending information about the alarm in an e-mail
1.4 Statistics
The recorder offers displaying statistics of the face recognition function. Data regarding the number of recognized faces are
presented in the form of bars in the graph. The pie chart presents data regarding the percentage share of groups to which
face qualification occurred. To display data, select the time range, the following ranges are available: DAY, WEEK,
MONTH, QUARTER, TODAY, and the CUSTOMIZATION option allows you to select the start and end dates. By
selecting the appropriate fields, it is possible to select cameras and groups from which data should be presented