2. Under the Target Device section
Select the ZeeVee device where the
le will be uploaded, including the
region (North America or European).
Knowing the device determines the
limits for resolution and bandwidth.
For example, selecting the HDb2640
will allow resolutions up to 1080,
where selecting HDb2540 will limit
the video resolution to 720. Be sure to
also specify if the le will be uploaded
to Internal Memory, or used with an
SD card (for HDb3000, select SD card
to allow for maximum le size). This
will affect the limits of le size allowed.
3. Specify the bit rate and resolution
for the le conversion. The bit rate
controls the video quality of the
converted le. Typically the higher the
bit rate, the better the video quality.
Remember that the ZvShow channel
will be sharing bandwidth from an
existing RF channel. If the bit rate is
set too high you may affect video
quality of both channels. See the
Manage le bandwidth section for
more details.
4. Specify the type of encoding as One
pass or Two Pass. This selection
can also affect the video quality. We
recommend using the Two pass
option, which will take longer, but
provides better video quality.
5. Click the Convert File button once
all congurations are set. The
conversion will start and a progress
bar displays to show the status of
the conversion.
The ZVC le will default to be saved in the same location as the original le and with the same name
but with a “.zvc” extension, this can be changed by editing the area titled Output Video File.
The size and bit rate of the video le will directly affect the length of time for the conversion.
Manage le bandwidth
As mentioned, the ZvShow channel shares the bandwidth from an already-existing RF
channel. For this reason, it is important to manage the bandwidth of the video being
played by ZvShow and video on Input 1 of the unit.
If video issues such as stutter or dropped frames occurs on the ZvShow or shared RF
channel, we recommend lowering the bit rate on the ZvShow video or moving your
video sources so the video on Input 1 is not fast motion or high density video.
Recommended ZvShow Bandwidths
Product ZvShow Bandwidth
HDb2640/HDb2620 8Mbits/second or lower
HDb2540/HDb2520 8Mbits/second or lower
HDb2380/HDb2312 4Mbits/second
HDb2840/HDb2920 8Mbits/second or lower
ZvPro Products 8Mbits/second or lower