Hikoki P14DSL Cordless Li-ion Planer Instrukcja obsługi

  • Cześć! Przeczytałem instrukcję obsługi strug akumulatorowych HIKOKI P14DSL oraz P18DSL. Dokument zawiera szczegółowe informacje dotyczące bezpieczeństwa, użytkowania, ładowania i konserwacji urządzenia. Urządzenia te umożliwiają struganie, fazowanie, wykonywanie wrębów i zwężeń. Jestem gotów odpowiedzieć na Twoje pytania dotyczące tych strug.
  • Czy można używać strug z ostrzami skierowanymi do góry?
    Jaka jest zalecana temperatura ładowania akumulatora?
    Co zrobić, gdy akumulator przestanie działać w trakcie pracy?
Cordless Planer
Akku Hobel
Πλάνη μπαταρίας
Strug bateryjny
Akkus gyalu
Akumulátorový hoblík
Akülü Planya
Read through carefully and understand these instructions before use.
Diese Anleitung vor Benutzung des Werkzeugs sorgfältig durchlesen und verstehen.
Διαβάστε προσεκτικά και κατανοήσετε αυτές τις οδηγίες πριν τη χρήση.
Przed użytkowaniem należy dokładnie przeczytać niniejszą instrukcję i zrozumieć jej treść.
Használat előtt olvassa el gyelmesen a használati utasítást.
Před použitím si pečlivě přečtěte tento návod a ujistěte se, že mu dobře rozumíte.
Aleti kullanmadan önce bu kılavuzu iyice okuyun ve talimatları anlayın.
Înainte de utilizare, citiţi cu atenţie și înţelegeţi prezentele instrucţiuni.
Pred uporabo natančno preberite in razumite ta navodila.
Pred použitím si dôkladne tieto pokyny prečítajte a pochopte ich.
Будь ласка, прочитайте інструкції і перевірте себе, чи все зрозуміло, перш ніж користуватися приладом.
Внимательно прочтите данную инструкцию по эксплуатации прежде чем пользоваться инструментом.
Handling instructions
Οδηγίες χειρισμού
Instrukcja obsługi
Kezelési utasítás
Návod k obsluze
Kullanım talimatları
Instrucţiuni de utilizare
Navodila za rokovanje
Pokyny na manipuláciu
Інструкції щодо поводження з пристроєм
Инструкция по эксплуатации
Masina de rindeluit cu
kumulatorski oblič
Akumulátorový hoblík
Aкумуляторний рубанок
82 mm (Max) 9 mm (Max)
9 mm (Max)
1 2
& *
w e
10 11 12
13 14 15
16 17 18
19 20 21
22 23 24
1mm 1mm
3.5 mm
24.5 mm
25 26 27
28 29 30
31 32 33
34 35 36
11 mm
4 mm
37 38 39
English Deutsch Ελληνικά Polski
1Planing Hobeln Πλάνιση Struganie wzdłużne
2Beveling Abkanten Εξομάλυνση Ukosowanie
3Rabberting Falzen Σύνδεση Struganie kątowe
4Tapering Abschrägen Σμίκρυνση Wygładzanie
5Rechargeable battery Akkumulator Επαναφορτιζόμενη
μπαταρία Akumulator
6Latch Schnapper Μάνδαλο Zapadka
7Battery cover Batterieabdeckung Kάλυμμα μπαταρίας Pokrywa komory
8Terminals Anschlüsse Πόλοι Styki
9Ventilation holes Belüftungslöcher Οπές εξαερισμού Otwory wentylacyjne
0Push Drücken Σπρώξε Wcisnąć
!Pull out Herausziehen Τραβήξτε έξω Wyciągnij
@Handle Gri Χερούλι Rączka
#Charger Ladegerät Φορτιστής Ładowarka
$Pilot lamp Kontrollampe Δοκιμαστική λάμπα Lampka kontrolna
%Switch lock Schalterverriegelung Κλείδωμα διακόπτη Przełącznik blokady
^Switch trigger Abzugschalter Σκανδάλη του διακόπτη Spust
&Remaining battery
indicator switch Ladezustand-
Διακόπτης ένδειξης
υπολοίπου φορτίου
Przełącznik wskaźnika
pozostałej energii baterii
*Remaining battery
indicator lamp Ladezustand-
Ενδεικτική λυχνία υπολοίπου
φορτίου μπαταρίας
Lampka wskaźnika
pozostałej energii baterii
(Knob Knopf Λαβή Pokrętło
)Scale Skala Κλίμακα Skala
qMark Markierung Σήμανση Oznakowanie
wBeginning of cutting
operation Beginn des Hobelns Έναρξη της εργασίας
κοπής Rozpoczęcie operacji
eEnd of cutting operation Ende des Hobelns Ολοκλήρωση της
εργασίας κοπής Zakończenie operacji
rStand Ständer Βάση Podstawa
tSet screw Stellschraube Βίδα ρύθμισης Wkręt regulacyjny
yGuide Führung Οδηγός Prowadnica
uBox wrench Steckschlüssel Γαλλικό κλειδί Klucz nasadowy
iBlade holder Hobeleisenhalter Συγκρατητήρας λεπίδας Uchwyt ostrza
oCarbide blade
(Double edged blade type)
Hobeleisen mit
(Beidseitigen klingentyp)
Λεπίδα καρβιδίου
(τύπος δί κοπης λεπίδας)
Ostrze karbidowe
(z podwójnymi krawędziami)
pSet plate (B) Einstellplatte (B) Πλακέτα ρύθμισης (B) Płytka ustalająca (B)
aBolt Schraube Μπουλόνι Śruba
sMachine screw Maschinenschraube Βίδα κίνησης Wkręt do części
dTurned surface Gebogene Ober äche Εστραμμένη επιφάνεια Powierzchnia toczona
fSet plate (A) Einstellplatte (A) Πλακέτα ρύθμισης (A) Płytka ustalająca (A)
gSet gauge Einstell-Lehre Μετρητής ρύθμισης Miernik ustalający
hWall surface b Wandober äche b Επιφάνεια τείχους βPowierzchnia ściany b
jFlat portion of the cutter
block Flacher Teil des
Schneidblocks Επίπεδο τμήμα της λάμας
κό πτη Część płaska bloku
narzędzia tnącego
kGroove Nut Εσοχή Wyżłobienie
(Resharpenable blade
(schärfbarer Klingentyp)
(τύπος λεπίδας που
επιδέχεται ακόνισμα)
(przeznaczone do
wielokrotnego ostrzenia)
English Deutsch Ελληνικά Polski
;Cutter block Schneidblock Λάμα κόπτη Blok narzędzia tnącego
zWall surface a Wandober äche a Επιφάνεια τείχους αPowierzchnia ściany a
xChip cover Spanabdeckung Κάλυμμα Θραυσμάτων Osłona przed wiórami
cScrew D4 × 16 Schraube D4 × 16 Βίδα D4×16 Śruba D4×16
vDust adapter Staubadapter Σωλήνας εξαγωγής
σκόνης Adapter do odprowadzania
bElbow Knie Λυγισμένος σωλήνας Kolanko
nDust bag Staubbeutel Σάκος σκόνης Worek na pył
mWear limit Verschleißgrenze Όριο φθοράς Oznakowanie
maksymalnego zużycia
,Nail of carbon brush Klaue der Kohlebürste Καρφί καρβουνακιού Końcówka szczotek
.Protrusion of carbon brush Krempe der Kohlebürste Προεξοχή ψήκτρας
καρβουνακιού Wystająca część szczotki
/Brush cap Motorsensenaufsatz Κάλυμμα ψήκτρας Pokrywka szczotki
¡Contact portion outside
brush tube Kontaktteil außerhalb des
Bürstenrohrs Τμήμα επαφής έξω από το
σωλήνα της ψήκτρας Element kontaktowy na
zewnątrz komory szczotek
Magyar Čeština Türkçe Română
1Gyalulás Hoblování Planyalama Rindeluire
2Fózolás Srážení hran Kaynak ağzı açma Faţetare
3Falcolás Drážkování Kiniş açma Fălţuire
4Ferde falcolás Obrábění úkosem Konikleştirme Teşire
5Os tölthető akkumulátor Akumulátor Şarj edilebilir batarya Acumulator reîncărcabil
6Retesz Zámek Mandal Element de blocare
7Akkumulátorfedél Kryt baterie Batarya kapağıApărătoarea
8Csatlakozók Koncovky Kutuplar Terminale
9Szellőzőnyílások Vĕtrací otvory Havalandırma delikleri Ori cii de ventilare
0Benyomni Stisknout İtin Împingeţi
!Kihúzni Zatáhnout Çekin Trageţi
@Markolat Držadlo Kol Mâner
#TöltőNabíječka Şarj cihazıÎncărcător
$Jelzőlámpa Indikátor Kılavuz lamba Lampă pilot
%Kapcsoló retesz Pojistka spínače Anahtar kilidi Blocaj de comutator
^Kapcsoló ravasz Spoušť spínače Anahtar tetiğiTrăgaci
&Akku töltöttségi szint jelző
kapcsoló Spínač indikátoru zbývající
kapacity baterie Kalan pil göstergesi
Comutator de indicare a
bateriei rămase
*Fennmaradó tőltét jelző
lámpa Vypínač indikátoru zbývající
energie baterie Kalan pil göstergesi
Comutator indicator
acumulator rămas
(Gomb Otočný kno ík ğme Buton rotativ
)Mérce Škála Ölçek Scală
qJelzés Značka İşaret Reper
wGyalulási művelet kezdete Zahájení řezné operace Kesme işleminin başlangıcıIniţierea operaţiunii de
eGyalulási művelet vége Konec řezné operace Kesme işleminin sonu Finalul operaţiunii de tăiere
rÁllvány Stojan Stand Suport
tBeállító csavar Stavěcí šroub Ayar vidasıȘurub de reglare
yVezetőVodítko Kılavuz Ghidaj
uCsőkulcs Nástrčný klíčLokma anahtarıCheie tubulară
iKéstartó Držák čepele Bıçak tutucu Suport de lamă
oKarbid kés
(kétélű késtípus)
Čepel s tvrdokovovým břitem
(typ dvoubřité čepele)
Karbür bıçak
(Çift kenarlı bıçak tipi)
Lamă din carbură
(tip de lamă cu două tăişuri)
pVezetőlap (B) Stavěcí destička (B) Ayar plakası (B) Placă de xare (B)
aRögzítő csavar Šroub Cıvata Şurub
sGépcsavar Strojní šroub Makine vidasıŞurub mecanic
dÍves felület Zahnutá plocha Tornalanmış yüzey Suprafaţa prelucrată
fVezetőlap (A) Stavěcí destička (A) Ayar plakası (A) Placă de xare (A)
gBeállító mérce Nastavovací měrka Ayar mastarıEtalon pentru reglare
h„b” falfelület Povrch stěny b Duvar yüzeyi b Suprafaţa b a peretelui
jA vágó blokk sík része Plochá část řezného bloku Kesici bloğun düz kısmıPorţiunea plană a blocului
de tăiere
kHorony Drážka Oluk Canelură
(újraélezhető késtípus) Čepel
(typ, který lze znovu ostřit)
(Yeniden bilenebilir bıçak tipi)
(tip de lamă repro labilă)
;Vágó blokk Řezný blok Kesici blok Bloc de tăiere
z„a” falfelület Povrch stěny a Duvar yüzeyi a Suprafaţa a peretelui
xForgácsfedél Hoblinový kryt Talaş kapağıApărătoare contra aşchiilor
cCsavar D4×16 Šroub D4×16 Vida D4×16 Şurub D4×16
vPor adapter Prachový adaptér Toz adaptörü Manşon de colectare a
Magyar Čeština Türkçe Română
bKönyök Zahnutý díl Dirsek Tub cotit
nPorzsák Prachový vak Toz torbasıSac pentru praf
mKopási határ Limit opotřebení Aşınma sınırıLimita de uzură
,A szénkefe szöge Cvoček uhlíkového
kartáčku Kömür çivisi Cuiul periei de cărbune
.A szénkefe kinyúlása Vodící lamely uhlíkového
kartáčeKarbon fırça çıkıntısıExtensie perie cărbune
/Kefe sapka Krytka kartáčů motoru Fırça kapağıCapac perie
¡Érintkező rész a szénkefe
csövén kívül Dotyková část mimo
trubičku kartáčku Kömür tüpünün dışındaki
temas bölümü Porţiune de contact în
exteriorul tubului periei
Slovenščina Slovenčina Український Pyccкий
1Oblanje Hobľovanie Стругання Строгание
Robljenje Úkos Зняття фаски
Снятие фаски
3Zgibanje Drážkovanie Вибірка чверті Выборка четверти
4Poševno odrezovanje Zahrotenie Звужування Обработка на конус
5Baterija, ki se polni Nabíjateľný akumulátor В акумуляторна батарея Аккумуляторная батарея
6Zapah Západka Фіксатор Фикcaтоp
7Baterijski pokrov Kryt akumulátora Кришка батареї Крышка аккумуляторной
8Sponke Koncovky Клема Полюса
9Ventilacijske odprtine Vetracie otvory Вентиляційні отвори Beнтиляционные
0Pritisnite Stlačiť Натиснути Haжaть
!Izvlecite Vytiahnuť Витягнути Bытaщить
@Ročica Rukoväť Рукоятка Pyкояткa
#Polnilec Nabíjačka Зарядний пристрій Зарядное устройство
$Kontrolni svetlobni
indikator Kontrolný indikátor Контрольний індикатор Контрольная лампа
%Zapora stikala Poistka spínačaПеремикач блокування Фиксатор переключателя
^Sprožilec stikala Spúšť spínačaПусковий перемикач Курок переключателя
&Stikalo indikatorja za
preostalo baterijo
Spínač indikátora
zostávajúcej úrovne nabitia
Перемикач індикатора
залишку заряду батареї
индикатора оставшегося
заряда батареи
*Lučka indikatorja preostale
energije baterije Indikátor zostávajúcej
kapacity akumulátora Індикатор залишку
заряду батареї Световой индкатор
заряда батареи
(Gumb Otočný regulátor Ручка Рукоятка
)Skala Mierka Шкала Шкала
qOznaka Značka Мітка Метка
wZačetek oblanja Začatie rezania Початок стругання Начало операции
eKonec oblanja Koniec rezania Закінчення стругання Окончание операции
rStojalo Stojan Підставка Подставка
tNastavitveni vijak Nastavovacia skrutka Регулювальний гвинт Установочный винт
yVodilo Vodiaci prvok Напрямна Направляющая
uNasadni ključZakladací kľúč Торцевий гайковий ключ Торцевой гаечный ключ
iDržalo rezila Držiak čepele Тримач леза ножа Держатель режущего
oKarbidno rezilo
(dvorezni tip rezila) Karbidová čepeľ
(obojstranný typ čepele)
Ніж із твердосплавною
Лезвие с твердосплавной
pNastavitvena plošča (B) Nastavovacia platňa (B) Встановлювальна
пластина (B) Установочная пластина
aVijak Skrutka Болт Болт
sStrojni vijak Skrutka so šesťhrannou
hlavou Дрібний кріпильний гвинт Мелкий крепежный винт
dObrnjena površina Osústružená plocha Загнута поверхня Согнутая поверхность
fNastavitvena plošča (A) Nastavovacia platňa (A) Встановлювальна
пластина (A) Установочная пластина
gNastavitveni merilnik Nastavovacia mierka Встановлювальний
шаблон Установочный шаблон
hPovršina stene b Stenová plocha b Стінна поверхня b Стеновая поверхность b
jPloščat del rezalnega
bloka Plochá časť hlavy noža Плоска частина ріжучого
блоку Плоская часть режущего
Slovenščina Slovenčina Український Pyccкий
kUtor Drážka Паз Паз
(tip rezila, ki ga je mogoče
(brúsiteľný typ čepele) Ніж
(з можливістю загострення)
;Rezalni blok Hlava noža Ріжучий блок Режущий блок
zPovršina zidu a Stenová plocha a Стінна поверхня а Стеновая поверхность a
xPokrov ostružkov Ochranný kryt proti
úlomkom Кришка Крышка
cVijak D4×16 Skrutka D4×16 Гвинт D4×16 Винт D4×16
vAdapter za prah Prachový adaptér Адаптер пиловловлювача Адаптер пылеуловителя
bKoleno Koleno Коліно Колено
nVrečka za prah Vrecko na prach Пиловий мішок Пылевой мешок
mMeja obrabe Limit opotrebovania Межа зношування Предел износа
,Zob gra tne krtačke Hrot uhlíkovej kefky Підпружинений контакт
вугільної щітки Подпружиненный
контакт угольной щетки
.Rob gra tne ščetke Výčnelok uhlíkovej kefky Виступ вугільної щітки Выступ для угольной
/Pokrov ščetke Kryt kefky Ковпачок щітки Колпачок щетки
¡Stični dekež izven cevi
ščetke Časť kontaktu mimo
uhlíkovej kefy Поверхня контакту
зовнішньої трубки щітки
Участок контакта
снаружи щеточной
English Deutsch Ελληνικά Polski
The following show
symbols used for the
machine. Be sure that you
understand their meaning
before use.
Die folgenden Symbole
werden für diese Maschine
verwendet. Achten Sie
darauf, diese vor der
Verwendung zu verstehen.
Τα παρακάτω δείχνουν
τα σύμβολα που
χρησιμοποιούνται στο
μηχάνημα. Βεβαιωθείτε ότι
κατανοείτε τη σημασίας
τους πριν τη χρήση.
Następujące oznaczenia
to symbole używane w
instrukcji obsługi maszyny.
Upewnij się, że rozumiesz
ich znaczenie zanim
użyjesz narzędzia.
Read all safety
warnings and all
Failure to follow
the warnings and
instructions may result in
electric shock, re and/
or serious injury.
Lesen Sie sämtliche
Sicherheitshinweise und
Anweisungen durch.
Wenn die Warnungen
und Anweisungen nicht
befolgt werden, kann es
zu Stromschlag, Brand
und/oder ernsthaften
Verletzungen kommen.
Διαβάζετε όλες τις
ασφαλείας και όλες τις
Η μη τήρηση των
προειδοποιήσεων και
οδηγιών μπορεί να
ηλεκτροπληξία, πυρκαγιά
και/ή σοβαρό τραυματισμό.
Należy dokładnie zapoznać
się ze wszystkimi
ostrzeżeniami i wskazówkami
Nieprzestrzeganie ostrzeżeń
oraz wskazówek bezpieczeństwa
może spowodować porażenie
prądem elektrycznym, pożar i/lub
odniesienie poważnych obrażeń.
Only for EU countries
Do not dispose of electric
tools together with
household waste material!
In observance of European
Directive 2002/96/EC
on waste electrical and
electronic equipment
and its implementation in
accordance with national
law, electric tools that have
reached the end of their life
must be collected separately
and returned to an
environmentally compatible
recycling facility.
Nur für EU-Länder
Werfen Sie
Elektrowerkzeuge nicht in
den Hausmüll!
Gemäss Europäischer
Richtlinie 2002/96/
EG über Elektro- und
Elektronik- Altgeräte
und Umsetzung in
nationales Recht
müssen verbrauchte
getrennt gesammelt und
einer umweltgerechaten
zugeführt werden.
Μόνο για τις χώρες της ΕΕ
Μην πετάτε τα ηλεκτρικά
εργαλεία στον κάδο
οικιακών απορριμμάτων!
Σύμφωνα με την
ευρωπαϊκή οδηγία 2002/
96/ΕΚ περί ηλεκτρικών και
ηλεκτρονικών συσκευών
και την ενσωμάτωσή
της στο εθνικό δίκαιο, τα
ηλεκτρικά εργαλεία πρέπει
να συλλέγονται ξεχωριστά
και να επιστρέφονται για
ανακύκλωση με τρόπο
φιλικό προς το περιβάλλον.
Dotyczy tylko państw UE
Nie wyrzucaj
elektronarzędzi wraz z
odpadami z gospodarstwa
Zgodnie z Europejską
Dyrektywą 2002/96/WE w
sprawie zużytego sprzętu
elektrotechnicznego i
elektronicznego oraz
dostosowaniem jej
do prawa krajowego,
zużyte elektronarzędzia
należy posegregować
i zutylizować w sposób
przyjazny dla środowiska.
n0no-load speed Leerlaufdrehzahl ταχύτητα χωρίς φορτίο
prędkość bez obciążenia
/min or min-1 Revolutions or
reciprocations per
Umdrehungen oder
Pendelbewegungen pro
Περιστροφές ή
παλινδρομήσεις ανά
Obroty lub suwy na
Direct current Gleichstrom Συνεχές ρεύμα Prąd stały
Caution Achtung Προσοχή Ostrzeżenie
VVolts Volt Bολτ Wolty
kg Kilograms Kilogramm Xιλιόγραμμα Kilogramy
Magyar Čeština Türkçe Română
Az alábbiakban a
géphez alkalmazott
jelölések vannak
felsorolva. A gép
használata előtt
feltétlenül ismerje meg
ezeket a jelöléseket.
Následující text
obsahuje symboly, které
jsou použity na zařízení.
Ujistěte se, že rozumíte
jejich obsahu před tím,
než začnete zařízení
Aşağıda, bu alet için
kullanılan simgeler
gösterilmiştir. Aleti
kullanmadan önce bu
simgelerin ne anlama
geldiğini anladığınızdan
emin olun.
În cele ce urmează sunt
prezentate simbolurile
folosite pentru mașină.
Înainte de utilizare,
asiguraţi-vă că înţelegeţi
semni caţia acestora.
Olvasson el
minden biztonsági
gyelmeztetést és
minden utasítást.
A gyelmeztetések
és utasítások be nem
tartása áramütést, tüzet
és/vagy súlyos sérülést
Přečtěte si všechna
varování týkající
se bezpečnosti a
všechny pokyny.
Nedodržení těchto
varování a pokynů
může mít za následek
elektrický šok, požár a/
nebo vážné zranění.
Tüm güvenlik
uyarılarını ve tüm
talimatları okuyun.
Uyarılara ve talimatlara
uyulmaması elektrik
çarpmasına, yangına ve/
veya ciddi yaralanmaya
neden olabilir.
Citiţi toate avertismentele
privind siguranţa și toate
avertismentelor și a
instrucţiunilor poate avea ca
efect producerea de șocuri
electrice, incendii și/sau
vătămări grave.
Csak EU-országok
Az elektromos
ne dobja a háztartási
A használt villamos
és elektronikai
készülékekről szóló
2002/96/EK irányelv és
annak a nemzeti jogba
való átültetése szerint az
elhasznált elektromos
külön kell gyűjteni, és
környezetbarát módon
újra kell hasznosítani.
Jen pro státy EU
Elektrické nářadí
nevyhazujte do
komunálního odpadu!
Podle evropské
směrnice 2002/96/
EG o nakládání s
použitými elektrickými
a elektronickými
zařízeními a
ustanovení právních
předpisů jednotlivých
zemí se použitá
elektrická nářadí musí
sbírat odděleně od
ostatního odpadu a
podrobit ekologicky
šetrnému recyklování.
Sadece AB ülkeleri için
Elektrikli el aletlerini
evdeki çöp kutusuna
Kullanılmış elektrikli
aletleri, elektrik ve
elektronikli eski cihazlar
hakkındaki 2002/96/EC
Avrupa yönergelerine
göre ve bu yönergeler
ulusal hukuk kurallarına
göre uyarlanarak, ayrı
olarak toplanmalı ve
çevre şartlarına uygun
bir şekilde tekrar
Numai pentru ţările membre UE
Nu aruncaţi această sculă
electrică împreună cu deșeurile
În conformitate cu Directiva
Europeană 2002/96/CE
referitoare la deșeurile
reprezentând echipamente
electrice și electronice și la
implementarea acesteia în
conformitate cu legislaţiile
naţionale, sculele electrice
care au ajuns la nalul duratei
de folosire trebuie colectate
separat și duse la o unitate de
reciclare compatibilă cu mediul
terhelés nélküli sebesség
otáčky bez zátěže yüksüz hız turaţie fără sarcină
/min or min-1 Percenkénti fordulat-
vagy ismétlődésszám Otáčky nebo střídání za
minutu Dakika başına dönüş
veya ileri geri hareket Rotaţii pe minut
Egyenáram Stejnosměrný proud Doğru akım Curent continuu
Vigyázat Upozornění Dikkat Atenţie
VVolt Volty Volt Volţi
kg Kilogramm Kilogramy Kilogram Kilograme
Slovenščina Slovenčina Український Pyccкий
V nadaljevanju so
prikazani simboli,
uporabljeni pri stroju.
Pred uporabo se
prepričajte, da jih
V nasledujúcom sú
zobrazené symboly, ktoré
sú vyobrazené na náradí.
Pred použitím náradia sa
oboznámte s významom
týchto symbolov.
Тут показані символи,
використані в
керівництві. Будь ласка,
переконайтеся, що
правильно розумієте їхнє
Ниже приведены символы,
используемые для машины.
Перед началом работы
обязательно убедитесь в
том, что Вы понимаете их
Preberite vas
varnostna opozorila in
Z neupoštevanjem
opozoril in navodil
tvegate električni udar,
požar in/ali resne
telesne poškodbe.
Prečítajte si všetky
bezpečnostné výstrahy a
všetky pokyny.
Nedodržanie výstrah a
pokynov môže viesť k
zasiahnutiu elektrickým
prúdom, požiaru a/alebo
vážnemu poraneniu osoby.
Прочитайте всі
правила безпеки та
Невиконання цих
правил та інструкцій
може призвести до
удару струмом, пожежі
та/або серйозної
Прочтите все правила
безопасности и
Не выполнение правил
и инструкций может
привести к поражению
электрическим током,
пожару и/или серьезной
Samo za države EU
Električnih orodij
ne zavržite skupaj z
gospodinjskimi odpadki!
V skladu z evropsko
direktivo 2002/96/EC
o odpadni električni
in elektronski opremi
in izvedbi v skladu z
državnimi zakoni, je
treba električna orodja,
ki so dosegla življenjsko
dobo ločeno zbirati
in vrniti v z okoljem
združljivo ustanovo za
Iba pre krajiny EÚ
Elektrické náradie
nezneškodňujte spolu s
komunálnym odpadom z
Aby ste dodržali ustanovenia
európskej smernice 2002/96/
ES o odpadových elektrických
a elektronických zariadeniach
a jej implementáciu v zmysle
národnej legislatívy, je
potrebné elektrické zariadenie
po uplynutí jeho doby
životnosti separovať a doručiť
na environmentálne prijateľ
miesto recyklovania.
Лише для країн ЄС
НЕ викидайте електричні
інструменти із побутовими
Згідно Європейської
Директиви 2002/96/EC про
відходи електронного та
електричного виробництва
і її запровадження
згідно місцевих законів,
електроінструменти, які
відслужили робочий строк
слід утилізувати окремо і
повертати до установ, що
займаються екологічною
переробкою брухту.
Только для стран ЕС
Не выкидывайте
электроприборы вместе с
обоычным мусором!
В соответствии с
европейской директивой
2002/96/ЕС об утилизации
старых электрических и
электронных приборов и в
соответствии с местными
законами электроприборы,
бывщие в эксплуатации,
должны утилизовываться
отдельно безопасным
для окружающей среды
Hitrost brez obremenitve
voľnobežné otáčky
швидкість холостого ходу
скорость без нагрузки
/min or min-1 Obratov ali gibov na
minuto Otáčky alebo pohyby za
minútu Обертів або зміщень
на хвилину
Оборотов или
движений в минуту
Enosmerni tok Jednosmerný prúd Постійний струм Постоянный ток
Pozor Upozornenie Обережно Предостережение
VVolti Volty Вольт Вольты
kg Kilogrami Kilogramy Кілограм Килограммы
Read all safety warnings and all instructions.
Failure to follow the warnings and instructions may result in
electric shock, re and/or serious injury.
Save all warnings and instructions for future reference.
The term “power tool” in the warnings refers to your mains-
operated (corded) power tool or battery-operated (cordless)
power tool.
1) Work area safety
a) Keep work area clean and well lit.
Cluttered or dark areas invite accidents.
b) Do not operate power tools in explosive
atmospheres, such as in the presence of
ammable liquids, gases or dust.
Power tools create sparks which may ignite the dust
or fumes.
c) Keep children and bystanders away while
operating a power tool.
Distractions can cause you to lose control.
2) Electrical safety
a) Power tool plugs must match the outlet.
Never modify the plug in any way.
Do not use any adapter plugs with earthed
(grounded) power tools.
Unmodi ed plugs and matching outlets will reduce
risk of electric shock.
b) Avoid body contact with earthed or grounded
surfaces, such as pipes, radiators, ranges and
There is an increased risk of electric shock if your
body is earthed or grounded.
c) Do not expose power tools to rain or wet
Water entering a power tool will increase the risk of
electric shock.
d) Do not abuse the cord. Never use the cord for
carrying, pulling or unplugging the power tool.
Keep cord away from heat, oil, sharp edges or
moving parts.
Damaged or entangled cords increase the risk of
electric shock.
e) When operating a power tool outdoors, use an
extension cord suitable for outdoor use.
Use of a cord suitable for outdoor use reduces the
risk of electric shock.
f) If operating a power tool in a damp location
is unavoidable, use a residual current device
(RCD) protected supply.
Use of an RCD reduces the risk of electric shock.
3) Personal safety
a) Stay alert, watch what you are doing and use
common sense when operating a power tool.
Do not use a power tool while you are tired
or under the in uence of drugs, alcohol or
A moment of inattention while operating power tools
may result in serious personal injury.
b) Use personal protective equipment. Always wear
eye protection.
Protective equipment such as dust mask, non-skid
safety shoes, hard hat, or hearing protection used for
appropriate conditions will reduce personal injuries.
c) Prevent unintentional starting. Ensure the
switch is in the o -position before connecting to
power source and/or battery pack, picking up or
carrying the tool.
Carrying power tools with your nger on the switch or
energising power tools that have the switch on invites
d) Remove any adjusting key or wrench before
turning the power tool on.
A wrench or a key left attached to a rotating part of the
power tool may result in personal injury.
e) Do not overreach. Keep proper footing and
balance at all times.
This enables better control of the power tool in
unexpected situations.
f) Dress properly. Do not wear loose clothing or
jewellery. Keep your hair, clothing and gloves
away from moving parts.
Loose clothes, jewellery or long hair can be caught in
moving parts.
g) If devices are provided for the connection of
dust extraction and collection facilities, ensure
these are connected and properly used.
Use of dust collection can reduce dust related hazards.
4) Power tool use and care
a) Do not force the power tool. Use the correct
power tool for your application.
The correct power tool will do the job better and safer
at the rate for which it was designed.
b) Do not use the power tool if the switch does not
turn it on and o .
Any power tool that cannot be controlled with the
switch is dangerous and must be repaired.
c) Disconnect the plug from the power source and/
or the battery pack from the power tool before
making any adjustments, changing accessories,
or storing power tools.
Such preventive safety measures reduce the risk of
starting the power tool accidentally.
d) Store idle power tools out of the reach of children
and do not allow persons unfamiliar with the
power tool or these instructions to operate the
power tool.
Power tools are dangerous in the hands of untrained
e) Maintain power tools. Check for misalignment or
binding of moving parts, breakage of parts and
any other condition that may a ect the power
tools’ operation.
If damaged, have the power tool repaired before
Many accidents are caused by poorly maintained
power tools.
f) Keep cutting tools sharp and clean.
Properly maintained cutting tools with sharp cutting
edges are less likely to bind and are easier to
g) Use the power tool, accessories and tool bits
etc. in accordance with these instructions,
taking into account the working conditions and
the work to be performed.
Use of the power tool for operations di erent from those
intended could result in a hazardous situation.
5) Battery tool use and care
a) Recharge only with the charger speci ed by the
A charger that is suitable for one type of battery pack
may create a risk of re when used with another
battery pack.
b) Use power tools only with speci cally designated
battery packs.
Use of any other battery packs may create a risk of
injury and re.
(Original instructions)
c) When battery pack is not in use, keep it away
from other metal objects like paper clips, coins,
keys, nails, screws, or other small metal objects
that can make a connection from one terminal to
Shorting the battery terminals together may cause
burns or a re.
d) Under abusive conditions, liquid may be ejected
from the battery; avoid contact. If contact
accidentally occurs, ush with water. If liquid
contacts eyes, additionally seek medical help.
Liquid ejected from the battery may cause irritation or
6) Service
a) Have your power tool serviced by a quali ed
repair person using only identical replacement
This will ensure that the safety of the power tool is
Keep children and in rm persons away.
When not in use, tools should be stored out of reach of
children and in rm persons.
1. Wait for the cutter to stop before settling the tool
An exposed rotating cutter may engage the surface
leading to possible loss of control and serious injury.
2. Use clamps or another practical way to secure and
support the workpiece to a stable platform.
Holding the work by your hand or against the body leaves
it unstable and may lead to loss of control.
3. Do not use the Planer with the blades facing upward (as
stationary type planer).
4. Always charge the battery at a temperature of 0 – 40°C.
A temperature of less than 0°C will result in over charging
which is dangerous. The battery cannot be charged at a
temperature greater than 40°C.
The most suitable temperature for charging is that of 20 –
5. Do not use the charger continuously.
When one charging is completed, leave the charger for
about 15 minutes before the next charging of battery.
6. Do not allow foreign matter to enter the hole for
connecting the rechargeable battery.
7. Never disassemble the rechargeable battery and
8. Never short-circuit the rechargeable battery.
Short-circuiting the battery will cause a great electric
current and overheat. It results in burn or damage to the
9. Do not dispose of the battery in re.
If the battery burnt, it may explode.
10. Do not insert object into the air ventilation slots of the
Inserting metal objects or in ammables into the charger
air ventilation slots will result in electrical shock hazard or
damaged charger.
11. Bring the battery to the shop from which it was purchased
as soon as the post-charging battery life becomes too
short for practical use. Do not dispose of the exhausted
12. Using an exhausted battery will damage the charger.
To extend the lifetime, the lithium-ion battery equips with the
protection function to stop the output.
In the cases of 1 to 3 described below, when using this
product, even if you are pulling the switch, the motor may
stop. This is not the trouble but the result of protection
1. When the battery power remaining runs out, the motor
In such case, charge it up immediately.
2. If the tool is overloaded, the motor may stop. In this
case, release the switch of tool and eliminate causes of
overloading. After that, you can use it again.
3. If the battery is overheated under overload work, the
battery power may stop.
In this case, stop using the battery and let the battery
cool. After that, you can use it again.
Furthermore, please heed the following warning and caution.
In order to prevent any battery leakage, heat generation,
smoke emission, explosion and ignition beforehand, please
be sure to heed the following precautions.
1. Make sure that swarf and dust do not collect on the
During work make sure that swarf and dust do not fall on
the battery.
Make sure that any swarf and dust falling on the power
tool during work do not collect on the battery.
Do not store an unused battery in a location exposed to
swarf and dust.
Before storing a battery, remove any swarf and dust that
may adhere to it and do not store it together with metal
parts (screws, nails, etc.).
2. Do not pierce battery with a sharp object such as a
nail, strike with a hammer, step on, throw or subject the
battery to severe physical shock.
3. Do not use an apparently damaged or deformed battery.
4. Do not use the battery in reverse polarity.
5. Do not connect directly to an electrical outlets or car
cigarette lighter sockets.
6. Do not use the battery for a purpose other than those
speci ed.
7. If the battery charging fails to complete even when a
speci ed recharging time has elapsed, immediately stop
further recharging.
8. Do not put or subject the battery to high temperatures or
high pressure such as into a microwave oven, dryer, or
high pressure container.
9. Keep away from re immediately when leakage or foul
odor are detected.
10. Do not use in a location where strong static electricity
11. If there is battery leakage, foul odor, heat generated,
discolored or deformed, or in any way appears abnormal
during use, recharging or storage, immediately remove it
from the equipment or battery charger, and stop use.
1. If liquid leaking from the battery gets into your eyes, do not
rub your eyes and wash them well with fresh clean water
such as tap water and contact a doctor immediately.
If left untreated, the liquid may cause eye-problems.
2. If liquid leaks onto your skin or clothes, wash well with
clean water such as tap water immediately.
There is a possibility that this can cause skin irritation.
3. If you nd rust, foul odor, overheating, discolor,
deformation, and/or other irregularities when using the
battery for the rst time, do not use and return it to your
supplier or vendor.
If an electrically conductive foreign object enters the terminals
of the lithium ion battery, a short-circuit may occur resulting
in the risk of re. Please observe the following matters when
storing the battery.
Do not place electrically conductive cuttings, nails,
steel wire, copper wire or other wire in the storage
Model P14DSL P18DSL
Cutting Width 82 mm
Max. Cutting Depth 2.0 mm
No-load speed 16000 min-1
2LSRK BSL1430: Li-ion 14.4 V (3.0 Ah 8 cells)
BSL1830: Li-ion 18 V (3.0 Ah 10 cells)
BSL1450: Li-ion 14.4 V (5.0 Ah 8 cells) BSL1850: Li-ion 18 V (5.0 Ah 10 cells)
* 3.2 kg (With BSL1430) 3.3 kg (With BSL1830)
* Weight: According to EPTA-Procedure 01/2003
Model UC18YFSL
Charging voltage 14.4 V – 18 V
Weight 0.5 kg
In addition to the main unit (1), the package contains the
accessories listed in the table below.
1 Box Wrench ............................................ 1
(for securing cutter blade)
2 Set Gauge .............................................. 1
(for adjusting cutter height)
3 Guide ......................................................1
(with set screw)
4 Carbide Blade ........................................2
(Double edged Blade type)
5 Charger ..................................................1
6 Battery ....................................................2
[P14DSL] BSL1430 or BSL1450
[P18DSL] BSL1830 or BSL1850
7 Plastic case ............................................ 1
8 Battery cover .......................................... 2
9 Spare carbide Blade set .........................1
(Not supplied in all areas)
1 Box Wrench ............................................ 1
(for securing cutter blade)
2 Set Gauge .............................................. 1
(for adjusting cutter height)
3 Guide ......................................................1
(with set screw)
4 Carbide Blade ........................................2
(Double edged Blade type)
Without chager, battery, plastic case and
battery cover.
Standard accessories are subject to change without notice.
Either install the battery in the power tool or store
by securely pressing into the battery cover until the
ventilation holes are concealed to prevent short-
circuits (See Fig. 5).
OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES (sold separately)
1. Battery
5. Carbide Blade
(Double edged Blade
6. Blade
(Resharpenable blade
2. Dust adapter 3. Elbow 4. Dust bag
Optional accessories are subject to change without notice.
Planing various wooden planks and panels. (See Fig. 1-4)
1. Battery removal
Hold the handle tightly and push the battery latch to
remove the battery (see Figs. 5 and 6).
Never short-circuit the battery.
2. Battery installation
Insert the battery while observing its polarities (see
Fig. 6).
Before using the power tool, charge the battery as follows.
1. Connect the charger's power cord to the receptacle.
When the power cord is connected, the charger’s pilot
lamp will blink in red. (At 1-second intervals)
Do not use the electrical cord if damaged. Have it
repaired immediately.
2. Insert the battery into the charger.
Firmly insert the battery into the charger, as shown in
Fig. 7.
3. Charging
When inserting a battery in the charger, charging will
commence and the pilot lamp will light continuously in
When the battery becomes fully recharged, the pilot lamp
will blink in red. (At 1-second intervals) (See Table 1)
(1) Pilot lamp indication
The indications of the pilot lamp will be as shown in
Table 1, according to the condition of the charger or the
rechargeable battery.
Table 1
Indications of the pilot lamp
Pilot lamp
charging Blinks Lights for 0.5 seconds. Does not light
for 0.5 seconds. (o for 0.5 seconds)
charging Lights Lights continuously
complete Blinks Lights for 0.5 seconds. Does not light
for 0.5 seconds. (o for 0.5 seconds)
standby Blinks
Lights for 1 second. Does not light
for 0.5 seconds. (o for 0.5 seconds) Battery overheated.
Unable to charge.
(Charging will commence
when battery cools)
impossible Flickers Lights for 0.1 seconds. Does not light for
0.1 seconds. (o for 0.1 seconds) Malfunction in the battery
or the charger
(2) Regarding the temperatures of the rechargeable battery
The temperatures for rechargeable batteries are as
shown in Table 2, and batteries that have become hot
should be cooled for a while before being recharged.
Table 2 Recharging ranges of batteries
Rechargeable batteries Temperatures at
which the battery
can be recharged
BSL1430, BSL1440, BSL1450,
BSL1820, BSL1830, BSL1840,
BSL1850 0°C – 40°C
(3) Regarding recharging time
Depending on the combination of the charger and
batteries, the charging time will become as shown in
Table 3.
Table 3 Charging time (At 20°C)
Battery UC18YFSL
BSL1820 Approx. 30 min.
BSL1430, BSL1830 Approx. 45 min.
BSL1440, BSL1840 Approx. 60 min.
BSL1450, BSL1850 Approx. 75 min.
The charging time may vary according to temperature
and power source voltage.
When the battery charger has been continuously used,
the battery charger will be heated, thus constituting
the cause of the failures. Once the charging has been
completed, give 15 minutes rest until the next charging.
4. Disconnect the charger’s power cord from the
5. Hold the charger rmly and pull out the battery.
Be sure to pull out the battery from the charger after use,
and then keep it.
How to make the batteries perform longer
(1) Recharge the batteries before they become completely
When you feel that the power of the tool becomes
weaker, stop using the tool and recharge its battery. If
you continue to use the tool and exhaust the electric
current, the battery may be damaged and its life will
become shorter.
(2) Avoid recharging at high temperatures.
A rechargeable battery will be hot immediately after use.
If such a battery is recharged immediately after use, its
internal chemical substance will deteriorate, and the
battery life will be shortened. Leave the battery and
recharge it after it has cooled for a while.
If the battery is charged while it is heated because it has
been left for a long time in a location subject to direct
sunlight or because the battery has just been used, the
pilot lamp of the charger lights for 1 second, does not
light for 0.5 seconds (o for 0.5 seconds). In such a case,
rst let the battery cool, then start charging.
When the pilot lamp ickers in red (at 0.2-seconds
intervals), check for and take out any foreign objects in
the charger’s battery connector. If there are no foreign
objects, it is probable that the battery or charger is
malfunctioning. Take it to your authorized Service
Since the built-in micro computer takes about 3
seconds to con rm that the battery being charged with
UC18YFSL is taken out, wait for a minimum of 3 seconds
before reinserting it to continue charging. If the battery
is reinserted within 3 seconds, the battery may not be
properly charged.
If the pilot lamp does not blink in red (every second) even
though the charger cord is connected to the power, it
indicates that the protection circuit of the charger may be
Remove the cord from the power and then connect it
again after 30 seconds or so. If this does not cause the
pilot lamp to blink in red (every second), please take the
charger to the HiKOKI Authorized Service Center.
1. Setting up and checking the work environment
Check if the work environment is suitable by following the
2. Power switch
Ensure that the power switch is in the OFF position. If the
battery is attached to the body while the power switch
is in the ON position, the power tool will start operating
immediately, which could cause a serious accident.
3. Prepare a stable wooden workbench suitable for
planning operation. As a poorly balanced workbench
creates a hazard, ensure it is securely positioned on rm,
level ground.
1. Operation of switch (Fig. 8)
(1) For safe operation of the machine, a “switch lock” is
provided on the side of a handle.
If the “switch trigger” is pulled in a state where “switch
lock” is pressed in the direction of the arrow mark, the
main switch can be turned ON.
(2) After the switch is turned ON, even when you release
your hand from the switch lock, the body continues
running and the light continues being turned ON as long
as you keep on pulling the switch trigger.
(3) If you release the switch trigger, you can turn OFF the
switch and the “switch lock” returns to the original
position automatically.
Do not x and secure the switch lock. Besides, keep
your nger o the switch trigger when the planer is
being carried around. Otherwise, the main body switch
can be inadvertently turned ON, resulting in unexpected
2. About remaining battery indicator
When pressing the remaining battery indicator switch,
the remaining battery indicator lamp lights and the
battery remaining power can be checked. (Fig. 9)
When releasing your nger from the remaining battery
indicator switch, the remaining battery indicator lamp
goes o . The Table 4 shows the state of remaining
battery indicator lamp and the battery remaining power.
Table 4
State of lamp Battery Remaining Power
The battery remaining power is enough.
The battery remaining power is a half.
The battery remaining power is nearly
Re-charge the battery soonest possible.
As the remaining battery indicator shows somewhat
di erently depending on ambient temperature and battery
characteristics, read it as a reference.
Do not give a strong shock to the switch panel or break it.
It may lead to a trouble.
To save the battery power consumption, the remaining
battery indicator lamp lights while pressing the remaining
battery indicator switch.
3. Adjusting the cutter depth
(1) Turn the knob in the direction indicated by the arrow in
Fig. 10 (clockwise), until the triangular mark is aligned
with the desired cutting depth on the scale. The scale unit
is graduated in millimeters.
(2) The cutting depth can be adjusted within a range of 0-2.0
4. Surface cutting
Rough cutting should be accomplished at large cutting
depths and at a suitable speed so that shavings are
smoothly ejected from the machine.
To ensure a smoothly nished surface, nish cutting
should be accomplished at small cutting depths and at
low feeding speed.
5. Beginning and ending the cutting operation
As shown in Fig. 11, place the front base of the planer on
the material and support the planer horizontally. Turn ON
the power switch, and slowly operate the planer toward
the leading edge of the material. Firmly depress the front
half of the planer at the rst stage of cutting, as shown in
Fig. 12, depress the rear half of the planer at the end of
the cutting operation. The planer must always be kept at
throughout the entire cutting operation.
6. Precaution after nishing the planing operation
When the planer is suspended with one hand after
nishing the planing operation, ensure that the cutting
blades (base) of the planer do not contact or come too
near your body. Failure to do so could result in serious
7. Stand
Lift the back of the planer to extend the foot from the
base. Having the stand extended when you put the
planer down prevents contact between the blade and the
material. (Fig. 13)
8. Regulating the guide (Fig. 14)
The planing position can be regulated by moving the
guide to the left or right after loosening its set screw. The
guide may be mounted on either the right or left side of
the tool.
Work Precautions
About Continuous Operation
This tool is provided with a protective function to extend
battery life.
The battery may become overheated during continuous
operation or deep cutting operations, which may cause it
to automatically stop.
Especially with any of the batteries listed below, the tool
may stop operation before the battery starts to get hot to
prevent rapid failure from overheating.
If this happens, stop operation, remove the battery from
the tool and leave it in a well-ventilated location not
exposed to sunlight until it is su ciently cool.
The battery can be used again once it is cool.
(Applicable batteries: BSL1425, BSL1420, BSL1415,
BSL1825, BSL1820, BSL1815 and old batteries)
Proper Battery Usage
When the tool is used with any of the batteries listed
below, it should be used for light work to extend battery
Work example: Shallow depth nishing and chamfering
(Applicable batteries: BSL1425, BSL1420, BSL1415,
BSL1825, BSL1820, BSL1815 and old batteries)
1. Carbide blade disassembly
To prevent accidents, ensure that the power tool is
switched o and pull out the battery.
Be careful not to injure your hands.
(1) As shown in Fig. 15, loosen the blade holder with the
attached box wrench.
(2) As shown in Fig. 16, remove the carbide blade by sliding
it with the attached box wrench.
2. Carbide blade assembly
To prevent accidents, ensure that the power tool is
switched o and pull out the battery.
Prior to assembly, thoroughly wipe o all swarf
accumulated on the carbide blade.
(1) As shown in Fig. 17, lift set plate (B) and insert the new
carbide blade between cutter block and set plate (B).
(2) As shown in Fig. 18, mount the new carbide blade by
sliding it on the set plate (B) so that the blade tip projects
by 1mm from the end of the cutter block.
(3) As shown in Fig. 19, x the bolts at the blade holder after
blade replacement has been completed.
(4) Turn the cutter block over, and set the other side in the
same manner.
3. Adjustment of carbide blade height
To prevent accidents, ensure that the power tool is
switched o and pull out the battery.
If the carbide blade’s heights are inaccurate after
above procedures have been completed, carry out the
procedures described below.
(1) As shown in Fig. 20, use the box wrench to loosen the
three bolts used to retain the carbide blade, and remove
the blade holder.
(2) As shown in Fig. 21, after removing the carbide blade,
slide set plate (B) in the direction indicated by the arrow
to disassemble set plate (B).
(3) Loosen the 2 screws holding on the carbide blade and
set plate (A), set plate (B).
(4) As shown in Fig. 22, 23, press the turned surface of set
plate (A) to the wall surface b while adjusting the carbide
blade edge to the wall surface a of the set gauge. Then,
tighten them with the 2 screws.
(5) As shown in Fig. 24, 25, insert a turned portion of set
plate (A) attached to set plate (B) into a groove on the at
portion of the cutter block.
(6) As shown in Fig. 26, place the blade holder on the
completed assembly and fasten it with the three bolts.
Ensure that the bolts are securely tightened. Follow the
same procedures for the opposite side carbide blade.
1. Blade disassembly
To prevent accidents, ensure that the power tool is
switched o and pull out the battery.
Be careful not to injure your hands.
(1) As shown in Fig. 20, use the accessory box wrench
to loosen the three bolts used to retain the blade, and
remove the blade holder.
(2) As shown in Fig. 21, slide the blade in the direction
indicated by the arrow to disassemble the blade.
2. Blade assembly
To prevent accidents, ensure that the power tool is
switched o and pull out the battery.
Prior to assembly, thoroughly wipe o all swarf
accumulated on the blade.
(1) Insert a turned portion of set plate (A) attached to the
blade into a groove on the at portion of the cutter block.
(Fig. 24, 27)
Set the blade so that both sides of the blade protrude
from the width of the cutter block by about 1 mm (Fig. 28)
(2) Place the blade holder on the completed assembly,
as shown in Fig. 29, and fasten it with the three bolts.
Ensure that the bolts are securely tightened.
(3) Turn the cutter block over, and set the opposite side in
the same manner.
3. Adjustment of blade height
(1) Loosen the 2 screws holding on the blade and set plate
(A). (Fig. 30)
(2) Press the turned surface of set plate (A) to the wall surface
b while adjusting the blade edge to the wall surface a of
the set gauge. Then, tighten them with the 2 screws. (Fig.
22, 31)
Use of the accessory Blade Sharpening Ass'y is
recommended for convenience.
1. Use of Blade Sharpening Ass'y
As shown in Fig. 32, two blades can be mounted on the
blade sharpening ass'y to ensure that the blade tips are
ground at uniform angles. During grinding, adjust the
position of the blades so that their edges simultaneously
contact the dressing stone as shown in Fig. 33.
2. Blade sharpening intervals
Blade sharpening intervals depend on the type of wood
being cut and the cutting depth. However, sharpening
should generally be e ected after each 500 meters of
cutting operation.
3. Grinding allowance of the cutter blades
As illustrated in Fig. 34, a grinding allowance of 3.5mm
is provided for on the cutter blade. That is, the cutter
blade can be repeatedly sharpened until its total height
is reduced to 24.5 mm.