ipMIDI Setup
Apple MacOSX
1) Close all applications using MIDI
2) Open AudioMidi Setup (Applications >
Utilities > Audio MIDI Setup)
3) Open the MIDI Window (Audio MIDI
Setup > Window > Show MIDI Studio)
4) Double click the ipMIDI icon
5) Set number of ports to 6 and ensure
that ‘Loopback’ is not ticked and
then press ‘Apply’
Microsoft Windows OS
This setup information covers Windows 7, 8, and 10
1) Launch the ipMIDI Monitor application
2) Ensure Ports 1 to 6 are not muted
3) Un-tick ‘Loop Back’
4) Set ‘Ports after Reboot’ to 6 and ensure that
‘Loopback’ is not ticked and then press ‘OK’
Note: If you are opening up Ports for the first time,
after Rebooting your computer, these will be ‘muted’.
Be sure to open ipMIDI back up and untick the muted