o ON/OFF: Select alarm on or off using left
and right direction key
o Alarm time: Input alarm time
o Repeat Setting: Press navigation keys to select alarm types which
consists of one time, everyday and custom.
o Alarm tone: You can select the alarm tone.
o Alert Type: To select between Ring only/Vib and ring, Vib only.
Under settings, the phone gives you the option to change the settings for
various features of the phone. The following list is available in Settings:
Phone Settings
You have following options listed under phone setup:
Time and date: Let you set the Time and date on the phone.
Schedule power on/off: Set scheduled power on/off time.
Language: To select language for the phone.
Shortcut manager: Manager your shortcuts.
Display: Under Display setup, you can set wallpaper, screen saver, power
on display, power off display, show date and time, clock type.
Auto update time: You can select off / first confirm / on.
Keypad light notification: You can select on/off.