The excitement of bingo, the fun and
feel of dominoes…put them together,
and you’ve got
W·I·N·G·O, a great new
way to practice beginning reading skills!
Player 1 turns over any word domino of that
color from the pile, reads it*, and shows it to
the other players.
*Reading a Word Domino
A player can read the word on any
word domino by mentally flipping
the consonant in front of the
word ending. For example, this
word domino says
OObbjjeecctt ooff tthhee GGaammee
To be the first person to fill a horizontal row on your card with words.
GGeettttiinngg RReeaaddyy ttoo PPllaayy
• Turn all word dominoes face down on the table.
• Each player takes a game card.
• Players decide who will go first.
PPllaayyiinngg WW··II··NN··GG··OO
PPllaayyeerr PPooiinntteerrss
Try to remember where in the pile players place dominoes that they
draw but do not use. You may spy one that you can use on another turn!
If you can place a domino in
either of two places on your
card, it is better to place it in the
row in which you have already
placed another domino. This
way you have to place fewer
dominoes to win.
If you can place a domino in
either of two places on your
card, it may be better to place it
between a printed white space
and an empty space. This opens
up the other empty space to
game play.
Player 1 tries to fit the word domino on any
matching color spot on his or her card, trying
to make a word.
• If the player makes a word, he or
she reads it to the other players.
If the player cannot make a
word, the word domino is
put back in the pile.
If the other players do not
agree that a real word has
been formed, they can check
the W
O Word List.
Play continues clockwise. A domino
can be placed next to a printed white
space or next to dominoes already
on the board.
NOTE: If you spin a color that you have
already filled on your card, you must pass
until your next turn. You MAY NOT spin again.
The first player to fill a horizontal row
with words calls out “WINGO!” That
player must then read aloud the row of
words (side, hole, rake).
Player 1 spins the spinner and lands on a color.