We, S.C. Visual Fan S.R.L., with the headquarters in
Brasov, 61, Brazilor St., PO 500313 Romania, registered at
the Trade Commerce Brasov under no. J08/818/2002, CUI
RO14724950, as the importer, assure, guarantee and
declare on our own responsibility, according to the
provisions from article 4 HG no. 1.022 / 2002, regarding the
regime of the products and services, which can be harmful
for life and health, security and labor protection, that the
product ALLBOOK X from ALLVIEW, does not jeopardize
the life, health and labor protection, does not produce a
negative impact over the environment and is in accordance
- Directive no. 2011/65/UE, modified by 2014/8/UE
regarding the usage restrictions of certain dangerous
substances in electric and electronic equipment
- Directive regarding the radio and telecommunication
equipment RED 2014/53/CEE (HG 487/2016)
- Directive 2014/35/UE regarding the assurance of
users of low voltage equipment ;
- Directive regarding the electromagnetic compatibility
89/336/CEE, modified by Directive 92/31/CEE and
93/68/CEE (HG982/2007); RoHS: EN50581:2012;
2014/30/EU(HG 487/2016)